United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Project: Supporting effective use of information and communication technology in population census operations Steven Vale, UNECE
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 Contents Background Project plans UNECE involvement Progress and next steps
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Background Project led by UN-ESCAP Funding from Russian Federation 2 year duration Technical expertise from UNECE Project goal: The 2010 round of population and housing census data become available faster, in higher quality, and for wider audiences than previously
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Project Plans – Output A National statistical offices are aware of the specific benefits that they can obtain from using appropriate information technologies in their census operations and have assessed their priorities A.1 Assessment of the use of technology among participating countries and availability of expertise A.2 Technical inception workshop to identify areas where the exchange of census-related ICT expertise is feasible and most useful and to match the needs with available expertise
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 Project Plans – Output B Specific census IT management, evaluation and implementation knowledge and expertise are available for participating countries B.1 Facilitate visits, staff exchanges and study tours for technical staff of statistical/census offices to learn from implementation of IT in advanced offices B.2 Conduct technical advisory missions on census- related technologies, including documentation and archiving census data and metadata and sharing them with the public B.3 Accumulate an information and knowledge repository on census ICT and publish its key content on the web B.4 Concluding workshop to share the project findings
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 UNECE Involvement Census expertise: Paolo Valente Information technology expertise: Marlen Jigitekov Steven Vale Links to other UNECE work Software sharing Generic Statistical Business Process Model
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 Progress and Next Steps Project manager appointed: Igor Uliyanov Assessment of the current use of technology has started Technical inception workshop is being prepared [ Possibly July in Novosibirsk ] UNECE has opened a wiki to store project documents and good practices
Steven Vale - UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 Questions and Comments?