Look at the picture on page 239 and consider the following: Describe the style of dress What can you infer about the class of the differently dressed people Explain the differences between the two sets of people What do you think is going on in the background Look at the painting’s title on page 238. What insight does the title give about what is going on in the picture How does knowing the title change your opinion of the questions above
Renaissance means rebirth What information does that definition give you about the time period? What do you suppose was reborn? Greek classical literature: what might they have read? Reformed Latin Christopher Columbus: what interest did he create? Leonardo da Vinci and Michaelangelo: led an interest in what?Galileo: sparked controversy in what area?
The most important invention of the second millennium How were books produced in the Middle Ages How important was reading to the general public Who was Johannes Gutenberg What came to England in 1476 The printing press Is this still an important invention today
The Reformation What needed to be reformed? Why? Who led this reformation What power did this give King Henry VIII?
Henry VIII Most famous for what? Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced beheaded, survived Also known for Creating the Royal Navy which would help England how? Spread English power, language and literature world-wide
Edward VI Youngest child and only son, child of wife #2 Reign : what do these years tell us about him
Mary (Bloody Mary) Daughter of Catherine of Aragon Catholic: what trouble might that cause? How might she get the name Bloody Mary? Married to Spanish prince-why is that politically important
Elizabeth I-the Virgin Queen Reign Anglican-what trouble did that cause Spanish trouble-what kind?, what happened? John Smith-how is he connected North Carolina-how is it connected
James VI becomes James I What is King James credited with “writing”? From Scotland-where is that compared to England? Loved Shakespeare
After James I Charles I-beheaded Oliver Cromwell-ruled as a Puritan dictator What do you suppose a Puritan dictator would change What did his rule lead to in America Charles II-restored the monarchy