Health Care Sector
What does WHMIS mean? Is it law or just good to know? It's law! The Occupational Health and Safety Act makes it your legal right to... know (understand hazardous products), participate in your training (ask questions, tell if you think something is unsafe), and refuse if it is unsafe. You must participate in WHMIS training EVERY YEAR! WHY?
ation_id=annotation_ &feature=iv&src_vid=iHBbWLYpCuU ation_id=annotation_ &feature=iv&src_vid=iHBbWLYpCuU Q: List health care related PPE
89BDC9F253B4C5&index=1 89BDC9F253B4C5&index=1 Look for answers to these questions: What is a controlled product? What do the symbols mean? Label: What’s on it? What is MSDS? What should I do if I can’t read a label on a controlled product?
Hazardous materials can enter the body by injestion (eating). Food and drink are most frequently contaminated by contact with unwashed hands, gloves, or clothing, or by being left exposed in the work place. Nail biting can also contribute.
Inhalation (breathing): Chemical vapours and airborne particles go into your lungs travelling to tiny air sacs (alveoli) surrounded by tiny blood vessels. Here they pass into your blood. Skin contact: Some chemicals pass directly through your skin into your blood stream. Body fluids can be absorbed through mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) or through damaged skin.
1. WHMIS TRAINING by your employer every year. 2. Read labels (look at the symbols!) 3. Read MSDS sheets for any controlled products you use. If you don't know about a controlled product, ASK for the MSDS!
1. Suppliers - must label controlled products and give MSDS sheets. 2. Employers - must give training yearly, and make sure products are labelled and have MSDS sheets available for workers. 3. Workers - participate in training and use the information to work safely, - inform employer if labels aren't readable or are missing. (Don't use it.)