Asiakastieto Group Plc Financial Year 2015 results 16 February 2016 Jukka Ruuska CEO
Asiakastieto in Brief One of the leading Finnish providers of business and consumer information services Products and services primarily used for risk management, finance and administration, decision-making and sales and marketing Largest customer industries include finance and banking as well as wholesale and retail sectors and expert services with an increased share Broad offering of services, including unique services in the Finnish market At the end of 2015, Asiakastieto employed 149 people Asiakastieto Group Oyj’s shares are quoted on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd since 27 March
Product Areas Risk management and general business information services which are mainly used by customers engaged in B2B activities. Risk management information and services regarding private individuals and real-estate, mainly used by customers engaged in B2C activities. Services for the prospecting of potential customers as well as for sales and marketing purposes, mainly used by customers engaged in B2B activities. Credit rating certificates, company and industry analyses, and printed products concerning risk management information. Business Information (BI) Consumer Information (CI) Customer Management (CM) Certificates and Analyses (CA) Note: Figure for full year ,8 % 6,9 % 7,1 % 57,2 %
A highly scalable business model
27% 7% Overview of Q4 / 2015 EURm (unless stated otherwise) Q4 / 2015Q4 / 2014FY 2015FY 2014 Net sales 11,410,543,741,4 Growth (year-on-year) 7,7 %3,3 %5,6 %0,1 % Adjusted EBITDA 5,45,520,520,6 Adjusted EBITDA margin 47,5 %51,9 %47,0 %49,8 % Adjusted EBIT 4,95,018,318,6 Adjusted EBIT margin 42,7 %47,2 %41,8 %45,0 % New products and services (% of net sales) 9,0 %8,0 %7,6 %6,7 % Value-added services (% of net sales) 59,7 %56,0 %59,4 %56,1 % EBITDA 5,44,818,019,7 EBIT 4,94,315,817,6 Summary of Q4 / 2015 Trade transaction volume growth continued on low level in Q4 New services key growth driver New service launches in Q4 The growth during the quarter was impacted by fewer project deliveries than year ago The continued growth of real estate information services impacted the margin level 5
27% 7% Net sales: Strong growth in Consumer Information and growth in all Product Areas Quarterly net sales (EURm)Revenue by product area Net sales growth (year-on-year) +3,8 % +19,5 % +2,5 % +0,2 % 6
27% 7% Strong continued demand for new products and services as well as value-added services New products and services share of net sales Value-added services share of net sales Summary Continuous good share of sales from new products and services Net sales from real estate information services and tailored solutions significant drivers for growth in Consumer Information Major share of sales from products and services based on our own database 7
27% 7% Q4 adjusted EBITDA decreased by 1,5 % year-on-year 8
27% 7% Continued reduction in net debt and good recurring free cash flow EURm (unless stated otherwise) 1 Q4 / 2015Q4 / 2014FY 2015FY 2014 Net debt48,562,448,562,4 Net debt / adjusted EBITDA2,2x2,9x2,4x3,0x Gearing, %62,1 %95,8 %62,1 %95,8 % Equity ratio, %50,9 %46,7 %50,9 %46,7 % Free cash flow4,74,313,816,8 Cash conversion86,6 %90,2 %76,5 %85,3 % Gross investments1,21,03,63,3 Summary Q4 / 2015: Net debt decreased by EUR 13,9 million from Q4 / 2014 Year 2015: Gross investments 8% more than in 2014 Net debt / adjusted EBITDA below maximum target of 3,0x 9 Note: (1) Please see the financial statement release for definitions and notes.
Cash flow 2015 ■Operating cash flow 15,3 meur ■Net increase in cash 14 meur ■Amount of cash 21 meur Profit distribution proposal ■Profit distribution 11,6 meur Per share 0,77 eur −0,73 as dividend −0,04 as capital return ■Authorisation for Board to decide on special distribution Capital return 3,5 meur −0,23 per share If premises sale is carried out ■Total profit distribution proposal 15,1 meur 1,00 per share Profit Distribution Proposal 10
27% 7% Long-term targets and guidance for 2016 Note: (1) These targets are based on assumptions that may not prove to be correct and actual results may deviate significantly; (2) Subject to the business development and investment needs of the Company. Any dividends to be paid in future years, their amount and the time of payment will depend on Asiakastieto’s future earnings, financial condition, cash flows, investment needs, solvency and other factors; (3) This forward-looking statement is not a guarantee of future performance. Financial targets 1 GrowthAchieve 4 to 9 percent annual average growth in net sales ProfitabilityMaintain EBIT-margin at or around historic levels Balance sheet structureMaintain net debt to EBITDA of less than 3,0x while continuing to maintain an efficient capital structure Dividend policy DividendsAsiakastieto’s dividend policy is to distribute as dividends at least 70 per cent of the Company’s profit for the year annually 2 Guidance for GuidanceAsiakastieto Group expects the net sales to grow at the same rate in 2016 as in The adjusted euro-denominated operating profit is expected to slightly increase from last year, despite the new rent cost for 2016 caused by the eventual realization of office premises. 11
Summary Financial Statements Q4 / 2015
27% 7% Summary income statement EUR millionQ4 / 2015Q4 / 2014Full year 2015Full year 2014 Net sales 11,410,543,741,4 Other operating income 0,0 0,10,2 Materials and services -2,1-1,6-7,5-6,3 Personnel expenses -2,4-2,2-10,8-9,8 Other operating expenses -1,8-2,3-8,7-7,0 Work performed by the entity and capitalised 0,40,31,21,0 Depreciation and amortisation -0,5 -2,3-2,0 Operating profit 4,94,315,817,6 Finance income and expenses -0,3-8,1-1,4-28,9 Result before income tax 4,6-3,914,4-11,2 Income tax expense -0,99,2-2,99,2 Result for the period 3,65,311,5-2,0 Earnings per share attributable to the owners of the parent during the period: Basic and diluted earnings per share 0,240,360,76-0,14 13 Note: Please see the financial statement release for definitions and notes.
27% 7% Summary balance sheet EUR millionQ4 / 2015Q4 / 2014 ASSETS Goodwill 111,4 Other intangible assets 5,54,5 Property, plant and equipment 4,34,0 Deferred tax assets 6,39,2 Loan and other receivables 0,0 Total non-current assets 127,4129,2 Account and other receivables 7,15,0 Cash and cash equivalents 21,07,0 Total current assets 28,112,0 Total assets 155,5141,1 EUR millionQ4 / 2015Q4 / 2014 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Share capital 0,1 Invested unrestricted equity reserve116,6115,3 Accumulated losses -50,0-48,1 Result for the period 11,5-2,0 Total equity 78,265,2 Interest-bearing liabilities 69,569,4 Account and other payables 0,1- Total non-current liabilities 69,669,4 Advances received 1,91,6 Account and other payables 5,84,9 Total current liabilities 7,86,5 Total liabilities 77,476,0 Total equity and liabilities 155,5141,1 14 Note: Please see the financial statement release for definitions and notes.
27% 7% Summary cash flow EUR millionQ4 / 2015Q4 / 2014Full year 2015Full year 2014 Cash flows from operating activities Result before income tax 4,6-3,914,4-11,2 Depreciation and amortisation 0,5 2,32,0 Finance income and expenses 0,38,11,428,9 Profit (-) / loss (+) on disposal of property, plant and equipment 0,0-0,0 -0,2 Other adjustments 0,0-0,3- Change in working capital -0,50,5-1,70,7 Interest and other finance expenses paid -0,3-0,9-1,3-2,0 Interest and other finance income received 0,0 Income taxes paid ---0,0 Net cash from operating activities 4,74,415,318,1 Cash flows from investing activities Purchases of property, plant and equipment -0,0-0,2-0,5-0,9 Purchases of intangible assets -0,3-0,8-2,3-2,5 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 0,00,10,20,3 Loan repayments -0,10,00,2 Net cash used in investing activities -0,3-0,8-2,6-2,9 Cash flows from financing activities Share issue --1,4- Costs of share issue ---0,0- Proceeds from interest-bearing liabilities -70,0- Repayments of interest-bearing liabilities --87,1--89,0 Net cash used in financing activities --17,11,3-19,0 Net increase / decrease in cash and cash equivalents 4,4-13,514,0-3,9 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period 16,620,57,010,9 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 21,07,021,07,0 15 Note: Please see the financial statement release for definitions and notes.
Examples of New Services 2015
Towards value added services 59% 7% Service typeService type description Outsourced solution Services fully outsourced to Asiakastieto Often critical decision-making processes of customers Uses both data from Asiakastieto and the customer’s behavioural and application data Solution Services that provide a solution or an answer to a customer’s decision-making process Can be customized according to customer’s business policy Uses only Asiakastieto’s own data Processed service Services created through combining several data points or data sets, analytical tools and statistical methods to provide added value to customers Data Basic data points and data sets Typically in the same format as extracted from the original data source Increasing value-add, integration and automation 3D Decision Making Service ATlas Desktop Concept Salesoptimizer Salesoptimizer Nordic Rating Alfa Consumer Rating Alfa The Strongest in Finland Certificates Target Group Services Omatieto service Collection Indicator and Bankruptcy Indicator Examples 17
Examples of new services 2015 Factors having an impact on the bankruptcy risk are the bankruptcy risk in the company's line of business, volume of operations, company's age, company's financial state as well as payment defaults and other credit information entries. Bankruptcy Indicator has been calculated by statistical methods. The information can only be used in connection with other information and as help for decision-making Payment delay, draft and payment default information has been used in the calculation of Collection Indicator. The information can only be used in connection with other information and as help for decision-making. New product predicting bankruptcyNew product predicting success in debt collection 18
New cross border offering with extensive country coverage and usability New industry risk evaluation product 19 Examples of new services 2015
Salesoptimizer Nordic Salesoptimizer Nordic is a completely new and unique way to find b-to-b prospects from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark Salesoptimizer automatically finds the prospects that are like good existing customers = twinprinciple On each and every prospect a hitrate is calculated so users are able to concentrate Nordic sales efforts on the most relevant prospects 20 Examples of new services 2015
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