PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee PSC’s mandate Evaluate and improve the standard-setting processes in close cooperation with the INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning in order to ensure and develop INTOSAI’s standards for public-sector auditing.
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee Beijing Declaration …Welcomes the PSC’s determination to: find sustainable solutions that will provide sufficient guarantees that the Framework and Due proces of INTOSAI’s profesional standards are maintained and developed for the future
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee PSC’s mandate Evaluate and improve the standard-setting processes in close cooperation with the INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning in order to ensure and develop INTOSAI’s standards for public-sector auditing.
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee 6 themes of evaluation Initial evaluation plan Processes provide for legitimate, independent and transparent standard- setting? Has resulted in clear and consistent standards that can be used by all members? Credible guarantees to members and partners about the future of the standards? Corporate with other standard-setters on an equal basis? Capabilities and processes to encourage wide recognition? Organised in cost-efficient ways?
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee 6 themes of evaluation Main challenges identified Participants survey Benchmarking IDI review FAS/PAS/CAS joint paper Group of PSC chairsPSC SteerCom meeting Initial evaluation plan
Overall coordination
Develop the ISSAI Framework
Continuity - institutional memory
Decision making
Quality assurance
Wider recognition
Feedback mechanisms
Competences and resources
Remain aligned with INTOSAI culture
6 themes of evaluation Main challenges identified Participants survey Benchmarking IDI review FAS/PAS/CAS joint paper Group of PSC chairsPSC SteerCom meeting Initial evaluation plan
PSC INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee 6 themes of evaluation Main challenges identified Analysis of different options Recom- mendations to Governing Board Participants survey Benchmarking IDI review FAS/PAS/CAS joint paper Group of PSC chairsPSC SteerCom meeting Key partners Regions – INTOSAI members Finance and adm com CBC and KSC Task Force on Strategic PlPSC SteerCom Initial evaluation plan