Weaving quotes into sentences and Citations Good Citing: 1. For dinner, Hrothgar’s men, “Yielded benches to the brave visitors” to demonstrate that the warriors were important to their cause (Raffel 39). 2. In order to demonstrate that the warriors were important to their cause, Hrothgar’s men, “Yielded benches to the brave visitors” (Raffel 39). Poor Citing: - “Yielded benches to the brave visitors” is what Hrothgar’s men did (Raffel 39). - “Yielded benches to the brave visitors” (Raffel 39). This quote shows what they did.
Honors Prompt The Anglo-Saxons embodied certain cultural norms that were prevalent throughout the time period. Write an analysis paper explaining how Beowulf embodies the acceptable social mores of his time.
Academic Prompt Was Beowulf a true Anglo-Saxon hero? Write a paper analyzing Beowulf’s heroism, including how he portrays this trait through the time period’s acceptable social mores.