Content Creators, Consumers and Owners: Librarians in the Crosshairs of MOOCs Lake Superior Libraries Symposium 2014: Bridges Bruce D Reeves Interim Manager of Academic Support Information Technology Systems and Services University of Minnesota Duluth
1.Have you taken a MOOC? 2.Have you taken a MOOC to completion? Background MOOC Questions:
1.Have you used the copyrighted works of others? 2.Have you ever created a work protected by copyright? 3.Do you own the copyright to any works? 4.Does Bruce own the copyright to this presentation? Background Copyright Questions:
Content: ●consumers ●creators ●owners Copyright Perspectives
●“open?” ●“closed?” What is meant by the word:
1.What open works will benefit learners? 2.Which closed works may be left behind? a. How may this be used as leverage when negotiating with content owners? Questions to Consider:
What current model(s) does your library use to make copyrighted material available to learners? Deconstruct Our Models
What is being done or may be done in an open learning environment? Construct New Models
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