1 Changes to NYS Grades 3 – 8 Assessments
In 2010, NYS Raised the Bar for Proficiency ELA Level 2Level 3 Grade In 2010, Grade 8 proficiency levels were redefined to align with college-ready performance: A Level 2 offers students a 75% chance of scoring a 65 on the English or Math Regents. A Level 3 offers students a 75% chance of scoring a 75 (ELA) or 80 (Math) on the Regents. In 2010, Grade 3 – 7 proficiency scores were set so that if a student makes a year’s worth of developmental growth, they will be on track for a Regents diploma. Math Level 2Level 3 Grade * Note: A level 2 score in 2009 was designated “Partially Meeting the Learning Standard”; a Level 2 in 2010 is now referred to as “Meets Basic Standard”. A Level 3 in 2009 was “Meeting Learning Standards” and in 2010 is now “Meets Proficiency Standard” 2
Planning for 2011 NYS ELA and Math Testing Program For 2011, NYSED has indicated additional changes to the testing program: A greater number of Performance Indicators will be assessed for both ELA and Math, therefore the content of the exam will be less predictable. ELA test design and length will change for the state tests The total number of items in all grades will increase to between items The approximate testing time for Grades 3, 5 and 7 will increase between % (note: the number of testing days is still expected to be 2-3 days) There is a new ELA writing component in Grades 3, 5 and 7, similar to the Grades 4, 6 and 8 writing component last year. The editing paragraph and two extended responses will no longer be used to assess writing mechanics. Multiple choice questions will assess student knowledge of writing mechanics, grammar, punctuation and word usage. The reading/writing section of the tests will be composed of one extended-response and four short-response questions. 3
Planning for 2011 NYS ELA and Math Testing Program - CONTINUED Math will assess the five content and five process strands in the NYS 3-8 Mathematics Core Curriculum As Math exams have moved from March to May, more content will be tested Potentially, an additional 15 multiple-choice items for Math for all grades will be included More guidance will be forthcoming from the State on Math test design While the length of the tests for all grades in ELA and Math will increase, the number of days by which the exam will be given may not change. This fall, NYSED will provide an updated guide, including sample questions for both ELA and Math. This information will be shared in Principals’ Weekly and DSSI Weekly. To find more information on the NYSED website regarding the 2011 testing changes, please see: and
Progression of Changes in NYS State Assessments Increased length of Math and ELA tests Test additional performance indicators Make test items more difficult to predict Potential inclusion of items aligned to Common Core Standards Raised cut scores across all subject grades Approximately 25% of the questions on the 2010 math exams covered performance indicators that were not covered in 2009 Integration of Common Core elements into 3 – 8 and all other assessments Source: NYSED 5
Comparison of 2010 and 2011 Test Design – ELA WM = Writing Mechanics. Source: D. Abu-Lughod 6
WM = Writing Mechanics. Source: D. Abu-Lughod, July 1, 2010 Comparison of 2010 and 2011 Test Design – ELA 7
Comparison of 2010 and 2011 Test Design – MATH Source: D. Abu-Lughod 8
Comparison of 2010 and 2011 Test Design – MATH Source: D. Abu-Lughod 9