Demographic Overview of Dual Eligibles Five Slide Series, Volume 4 September 2013
8.8 million persons had both Medicaid and Medicare coverage during These dual eligibles represent 16% of all Medicaid beneficiaries and 18% of Medicare beneficiaries Most dual eligibles (75%) qualified for full Medicaid benefits during This group is commonly referred to as “full duals” The remaining dual eligibles (“partial duals”) received coverage only for selected Medicaid services, such as cost sharing for Medicare covered services and payment of Medicare Part B premiums. Overall, the nation’s dual eligible population increased 20% from , spurred by a doubling of the partial dual subgroup. The full dual subgroup increased by 6% during the timeframe. The national age mix of dual eligibles is 59% 65+, 41% <65 The national gender mix of dual eligibles is 62% female, 38% male 1 Summary
2 State-Specific Dual Eligible Demographics, Alabama - Kentucky
3 State-Specific Dual Eligible Demographics, Louisiana – North Dakota
4 State-Specific Dual Eligible Demographics, Ohio – Wyoming (and USA Total)
Technical Notes Data source used for tabulations is the CMS Medicaid Statistical Information System State Summary Datamarts: 2010 figures represent point-in time averages (annual covered months divided by 12) 2005 figures represent enrollment during a selected month in the middle of the fiscal year (March 2005) 5