Slavery and Secession! Slavery DOMINATES Politics..
WAIT! Let’s do some Daily 10’s!! The House of Burgesses was significant in the history of Virginia because it A. Was the first place tobacco was sold B. Was where Powhatan and the leaders of Jamestown signed a historic treaty C. Was the first representative body of government in the British colonies D. Established Jamestown as an official colony
Another one.. The war with Mexico was, in large part inspired by The war with Mexico was, in large part inspired by A. Nullification Crisis A. Nullification Crisis B. Compromise of 1850 B. Compromise of 1850 C. The Emancipation Proclamation C. The Emancipation Proclamation D. Manifest Destiny D. Manifest Destiny
The Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Missouri Compromise, and the Compromise of 1850 were all meant to deal with The Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Missouri Compromise, and the Compromise of 1850 were all meant to deal with A. the issue of slavery in US territories A. the issue of slavery in US territories B. the rights of African Americans B. the rights of African Americans C. guidelines for territories becoming states C. guidelines for territories becoming states D. relations with Mexico in hopes of avoiding war D. relations with Mexico in hopes of avoiding war
What repealed the Missouri Compromise? A. The Compromise of 1850 B. The Northwest Ordinance C. Popular Sovereignty D. The Kansas Nebraska Act
Dred Scott Decision IN 1856, and important legal question came before the Supreme Court: IN 1856, and important legal question came before the Supreme Court: Dred Scott, a slave from Missouri – his owner had taken him North of the Missouri Compromise line Dred Scott, a slave from Missouri – his owner had taken him North of the Missouri Compromise line Later, they returned to Missouri where his slave owner died – Later, they returned to Missouri where his slave owner died – Dred SUED for his freedom – claiming…. Dred SUED for his freedom – claiming….
On March6, 1857, the Supreme Court handed down the decision: On March6, 1857, the Supreme Court handed down the decision: Slaves did NOT have the rights as citizens. Slaves did NOT have the rights as citizens. No claim to freedom bc he began his suit in a slave state. No claim to freedom bc he began his suit in a slave state. Finally (most important) stated the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional – Congress could not forbid slavery in ANY territory be you are denying a right to own property. Finally (most important) stated the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional – Congress could not forbid slavery in ANY territory be you are denying a right to own property.
HUH? Northerners were stunned and outraged. Northerners were stunned and outraged. Opponents of slavery now put all of their hopes on the new Republican Party… Opponents of slavery now put all of their hopes on the new Republican Party… People hoped this new party would keep the slave states in check… People hoped this new party would keep the slave states in check…
The Lecompton Constitution In 1857, the proslavery govt of Kansas wrote a constitution and applied for admission to the Union. In 1857, the proslavery govt of Kansas wrote a constitution and applied for admission to the Union. Free-Soilers – who outnumbered proslavery settlers rejected the proposed Constitution – why? Free-Soilers – who outnumbered proslavery settlers rejected the proposed Constitution – why? At this point Pres. Buchanan made a bad decision – he endorsed the constitution – why? At this point Pres. Buchanan made a bad decision – he endorsed the constitution – why?
Lincoln and Douglas That summer, was witness to some of the country’s greatest political debates in history: That summer, was witness to some of the country’s greatest political debates in history: The 1858 race for the U.S. Senate between Stephen Douglas and Lincoln. The 1858 race for the U.S. Senate between Stephen Douglas and Lincoln. It was an uneven match: It was an uneven match: Douglas way a 2-term senator with an outstanding record and lots of money? Douglas way a 2-term senator with an outstanding record and lots of money? Who was Lincoln at the time? Who was Lincoln at the time?
Lincoln challenges Douglas.. Lincoln challenged Douglas to 7 debates that would take place all over Illinois on the issue of slavery in the territories. Lincoln challenged Douglas to 7 debates that would take place all over Illinois on the issue of slavery in the territories. Douglas and Lincoln had very different speaking styles… Douglas and Lincoln had very different speaking styles…
Positions and Arguments: They were both simple and consistent: They were both simple and consistent: Douglas: Douglas: Douglas believed deeply in Popular Sovereignty towards slaver Douglas believed deeply in Popular Sovereignty towards slaver He did not think slavery was immoral, but he did believe that it was a backward, old-fashioned labor system that was unsuitable to agriculture. He did not think slavery was immoral, but he did believe that it was a backward, old-fashioned labor system that was unsuitable to agriculture. He believed that the people of Kansas and Nebraska would also figure this out and vote as a free state. He believed that the people of Kansas and Nebraska would also figure this out and vote as a free state.
Lincoln: Lincoln, like other “Free-Soilers”, believed that slavery was immoral and was a labor system based on greed. Lincoln, like other “Free-Soilers”, believed that slavery was immoral and was a labor system based on greed. The crucial difference between the 2 was that Douglas believed that Popular Sovereignty would allow slavery to die on its own. The crucial difference between the 2 was that Douglas believed that Popular Sovereignty would allow slavery to die on its own. Lincoln doubted it could be stopped unless the government took action. Lincoln doubted it could be stopped unless the government took action.
The Debates: People would flock to these debates as if they were free concerts. People would flock to these debates as if they were free concerts. Thousands of people cam to watch from all over. Thousands of people cam to watch from all over. Each debate lasted 3-6 hours…. Each debate lasted 3-6 hours…. When the debate would end, they would step down and adjourn to tables of barbeque and ice cream When the debate would end, they would step down and adjourn to tables of barbeque and ice cream
The Freeport Doctrine: 1. 2 nd debate held at Freeport and Lincoln asked Douglas a critical question: Could settlers of a territory vote to exclude slavery before the territory actually became a state? 2. Everyone was aware that the Dred Scott Decision answered that question: NO – territories could not exclude slavery. Lincoln then implied that Popular sovereignty, Douglas’s idea was an empty phrase.
3. Douglas’s answer was deemed the “Freeport Doctrine”. “Slavery cannot exist unless its supported by policy regulations and law” In other words, “if a territory was full of free soilers,, then all they would need to do was elect representatives who would not enforce slave property laws” It was his way of explaining how to get around the Dred Scott Decision.
Who would win? Douglas would win the Senate seat, however, Lincoln’s attacks on the “vast and moral evil” of slavery drew national attention and some Republicans believed he would be an excellent candidate for the Presidential Election of 1860…. Douglas would win the Senate seat, however, Lincoln’s attacks on the “vast and moral evil” of slavery drew national attention and some Republicans believed he would be an excellent candidate for the Presidential Election of 1860….
Violence erupts… “God’s Angry Man” (John Brown) in the mean tie was studying the slave rebellions that had happened in the past… - such as ancient Rome and in Haiti. “God’s Angry Man” (John Brown) in the mean tie was studying the slave rebellions that had happened in the past… - such as ancient Rome and in Haiti. Secretly obtained money from rich Northern abolitionists and…on the night o fact. 16 th, 1859, he led a band of 21 men into Harper’s Ferry VA. Secretly obtained money from rich Northern abolitionists and…on the night o fact. 16 th, 1859, he led a band of 21 men into Harper’s Ferry VA.
What happened? His aim was to seize the federal arsenal there, give the arms to each man and start a general slave uprising… His aim was to seize the federal arsenal there, give the arms to each man and start a general slave uprising… 60 of the town’s prominent citizens were held hostage who hoped that their slaves would join in 60 of the town’s prominent citizens were held hostage who hoped that their slaves would join in However, no slaves came forward – instead local troops killed 8 of John’s men. However, no slaves came forward – instead local troops killed 8 of John’s men.
Here come the marines!! A detachment of U.S. Marines – led by Col. Robert E. Lee raced toward Harper’s Ferry stormed the house where Brown and his men were barricaded in and captured Brown. A detachment of U.S. Marines – led by Col. Robert E. Lee raced toward Harper’s Ferry stormed the house where Brown and his men were barricaded in and captured Brown. There were a lot of mistakes in John’s plan There were a lot of mistakes in John’s plan Why did he fail to tell slaves in the area what he planned to do? Why did he fail to tell slaves in the area what he planned to do? Why didn’t he provide food for his men to even last one day? Why didn’t he provide food for his men to even last one day?
John Brown’s Hanging… On Dec. 2 of that same year, Brown was hanged for high treason. On Dec. 2 of that same year, Brown was hanged for high treason. Public reaction was intense….Both good and bad.. Public reaction was intense….Both good and bad.. Bells tolled for him, guns fired salutes – some even called him a “martyr”. Bells tolled for him, guns fired salutes – some even called him a “martyr”.
Lincoln is elected President!! 3 major candidates also ran for President other than Lincoln. 3 major candidates also ran for President other than Lincoln. William Seward, Stephen Douglas and VP John Breckinridge. William Seward, Stephen Douglas and VP John Breckinridge. Lincoln emerged as the winner, but he received less than half of the popular vote. Lincoln emerged as the winner, but he received less than half of the popular vote.
Talk about a bad first week… Lincoln’s victory convinced the south that they lost their political voice in the national government. Lincoln’s victory convinced the south that they lost their political voice in the national government. Some southern states decided to act… Some southern states decided to act… Who do you think was the first one? Who do you think was the first one? South Carolina. South Carolina. The seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860 The seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860
State’s Rights! For many southern planter’s this was the slogan they used and feared their entire way of life was at risk if they stayed. For many southern planter’s this was the slogan they used and feared their entire way of life was at risk if they stayed. Mississippi's followed SC, followed by Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas… Mississippi's followed SC, followed by Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas…
The New Confederacy.. On Feb. 4, 1861, delegates from all of these states formed their new government – the “Confederate: States of America. On Feb. 4, 1861, delegates from all of these states formed their new government – the “Confederate: States of America. Their constituting protected and recognized slavery as a way of life Their constituting protected and recognized slavery as a way of life Elected their own President named Jefferson Davis. Elected their own President named Jefferson Davis.
Not even inaugurated yet… As the nation awaited Lincoln's inauguration in March, American citizens were confused and afraid… As the nation awaited Lincoln's inauguration in March, American citizens were confused and afraid… What would happen? What would happen? 7 states had seceded in only a month’s time. 7 states had seceded in only a month’s time. President Buchanan at the time was uncertain – didn’t know what to do – so. he did nothing… President Buchanan at the time was uncertain – didn’t know what to do – so. he did nothing…
One last problem… Washington D.C. was considered a southern city… Washington D.C. was considered a southern city… There were southern congressmen in all f the departments of the government There were southern congressmen in all f the departments of the government Mass resignations took place Mass resignations took place People just began to leave…. People just began to leave…. Would the North allow the South to leave without a fight? Would the North allow the South to leave without a fight?