A Good teacher Explains... A Superior teacher Demonstrates... A GREAT teacher Inspires. Unknown
OVERVIEW Components of a quality lesson Providing feedback Effective communication Teach for Diversity
A Quality Lesson.... Maximizes active time in appropriate activities Maximizes student success in a positive environment Clearly indicates the expectations for learning Provides regular feedback Holds students accountable for learning Frequently monitors student progress Demonstrates smooth transitions Does not have students standing in line Is well organised Has an enthusiastic teacher who models an active lifestyle
Introduction & Motivation (Anticipatory set) Creates interest in learning Links to previous learning (scaffold) Organises class groupings Identifies the goal of the lesson (e.g. the specific EXPECTATION)
Meaningful Skill Instruction No more than 3 key points (KISS) Present information relevant to student development CFU Separate management from instruction
Monitoring Student Performance ACTIVE observer Random positioning Purposeful positioning Circulate, circulate, circulate “Eyes in the back of your head” “Focus on one student, listen to others”
Use Teaching Cues Critical elements appropriate to student development “eagle wings, belly button” “sideways, step, rotate, throw” Use mnemonics or acronyms Use action words (“pop”) Be consistent
Use Demonstrations Simultaneous with verbal Slow motion as appropriate Video tape Student demonstration
CFU Always check for understanding What to avoid Hand signals Group response Ask a student Ask the class
Guided Practice (Consolidation) “near” contexts New skills build on previous skills New skills learned correctly Should immediately follow demonstration
Application Offers opportunities to apply new learning in more game-like settings (“far” contexts) May include previously learned skills In elementary settings, application may occur on a separate day
Closure Review learning General feedback Information for future classes
Effective Feedback Types of feedback: (Mosston) Value – “Very good job” Neutral – “I see that you have finished” Corrective – “Next throw, keep your elbow higher” Ambiguous – “Would you do it again?” Distribute feedback evenly – check/recheck Nonverbal feedback – signals, space, touch
Teaching Style Using a variety of teaching styles offer students Choice – optimal number??? Differing conditions Differing task challenges Self-competition Open-ended tasks – creative possibilities
COMMUNICATION (review?) Speak to students behaviour, NOT their personal character Look at situations from students’ perspective Focus on the positive (avoid “don’t”)positive Use precise language Avoid slang terms, overuse of words (“UMM”) Use silence!
Are you a good listener? Active listening Hidden messages Paraphrase Share with students the importance of listening
NEXT WEEK Contact Ali McLeod in the Ed Centre GYM office for the equipment you will need! PLEASE plan ahead... Ext
Teach for DIVERSITY Read pg in text Identify where you would place YOURSELF on the Continuum of cultural awareness (Figure 4.8) Explain your reasoning for your choice Choose THREE (3) strategies discussed in this section and relate how you might use those strategies in a practical gymnasium setting as a means toward moving along the continuum towards transcendence. (specific examples or personal experiences accepted) 1 page maximum, double-spaced