PERUVIAN ELECTRICITY SECTOR Prepared to: The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commers
ELECTRIC ENERGY PRODUCTION The exploitation of the Camisea field has lead in the expansion of thermal generation, which has grown by an average annual rate of 22% for the last ten years. Electric Energy Production by source (%) Source: Committee of Economic Operation of SEIN
ELECTRIC ENERGY DEMAND The growth of the country's economic activity has generated an expansion of energy demand. The maximum demand of the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN) amounted to 5,575 MW in 2013, which is 5.4% above the prior year. Regarding the electricity coverage, it reached 87.2% in The aim is to reach 90% in the coming years. Source: Committee of Economic Operation of SEIN Source: National Society of Mining, Oil and Energy
SOLAR POTENTIAL The availability of solar energy is fairly uniform throughout the year within a margin of + / - 20% of the annual average. Annual average (kwh/m2) Southern coast6,0 – 6,5 Central coast5,5 – 6,0 Highlands5,5 – 6,0 Southern jungle5,0 – 5,5 Northern jungle4,5 – 5,0 Source: Ministry of Energy and Mines
1st RER Bidding for Energy Supply for Not Connected Areas Schedule ActivitiesFechas CallSeptember 12th, 2013 Registration of participants Up to August 1st, 2014 Selling BasesUp to August 1st, 2014 Suggestions and inquires to Bases Up to May 12th, 2014 Files presentationAugust 5th, 2014 Publication of Minutes of Bidders August 22nd, 2014 AwardSeptember 09th, 2014 Objective: Award for a 15 years period, the electricity sypply of with Renewable Energy Resources up to 500,000 consumers located in isolated rural areas. Is expected to achieve the installation of: 410,000 panels on housings. 7,500 panels on Educational Institutions. 2,100 panels on Health Stablishments. Authorizations and Permissions: Obtaining sectorial rights, permissiones o licences is not required because the equipment will be installed on users property. Competition factor: Annual compensation proposal, that shall be in accordance with the «Base Remuneration» established by OSINERGMIN. Current Status: Registration of participants up to August Price of Bases: US$ 1,000.00