United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Joint UNECE/Eurostat/EEA Workshop on Waste Statistics Vania Etropolska UNECE Statistical Division 11–13 April 2012, Geneva
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 Objective of the Workshop How to compile and disseminate high- quality, harmonized and timely waste statistics in the EECCA countries Discuss challenges and problems in producing statistics on waste generation and waste management, including recovery and disposal of waste Evaluation: 43 respondents out of 55 participants; excellent by 63%, good — by 32,5% and adequate — by 4,5% of respondents
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Main topics reviewed (I) Waste generation and management by economic activity Generation and management of municipal waste Hazardous waste management
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Waste classifications Waste management — recovery of waste Main topics reviewed (II) Nobody chose the answer «Unsatisfactory»
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 Desk study on waste statistics overview of the existing trends and international standards on waste analysis of the waste data as reported by the EECCA countries key issues and challenges in the process of collection and reporting of data developments in terminology and approaches for accounting for recovery and recycling of waste problems and issues with classifications and definitions recommendations for future improvements
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 Other outcomes of the workshop European List of Wastes — translated in Russian — on the website Conversion rates (examples of Netherlands, Estonia and Germany) — on the website
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 UNECE Weekly
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 All documents are available at: UNECE Weekly (Article: «How much waste do we produce?»): weekly/weekly_2012/Weekly_492_Final.pdf
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 Workshop on Waste Statistics (April 2012) Workshop on Measuring Sustainable Development (October 2012) Workshop on Agri-environmental Indicators (pesticides and fertilizers) (Spring 2013) UN Development Account project 2012–2013