Performance Assessment System for water and sanitation services in India MEERA MEHTA PAS PROJECT, CEPT UNIVERSITY, INDIA
PAS Project SDG
Target 6.1 “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all” Target 6.2 “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, ……situations” Target 6.3 “By 2030, improve water quality ….., halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and increasing recycling and safe reuse by [x] per cent globally” Target 6.4 “By 2030, substantially increase water- use efficiency across all sectors …….. and substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity” PAS Project SDG Targets 3
But do we have adequate measurement mechanisms? 4 PAS Project
7 Water supply, Waste Water, Solid waste Management & Storm Water PAS Assess service delivery in water and sanitation profile for Cities 70 million people in 2 States for 6 years National database for 1800 cities For 18 states for 3 years Performance Assessment System Old city area Newly developing colonies
PAS Approach – moving to a virtuous cycle Worsening urban water and sanitation service delivery No monitoring by state and local governments No monitoring by state and local governments Complete lack of performance Measurement Service performance deteriorates over time Performance Monitoring at scale and at all levels: centre, state and local Performance Monitoring at scale and at all levels: centre, state and local Performance Measurement With agreed key indicators against goals Performance Measurement With agreed key indicators against goals Performance Improvement plans, tools and innovative financing Performance Improvement plans, tools and innovative financing Influence policy and financing Set goals and priorities Use of technology for sustainability and scale Improved urban water and sanitation service delivery Measure and monitor performance to reward and learn from success and demonstrate results
9 We have come a long way from this
Unique access for each city 88 Reports 13 Papers 57 Presentations 75 Good Practices Newsletters 7 PAS e- News Sanitation Work Data for 400+ cities + indicators for other states Dashboards/ Graphical Representations
13 CITY LEVEL ASSESSMENT REPORTS 13 Schematic diagram of water supply system Access and coverage Service level and quality Efficiency in service operations Income Expenditure Financial sustainability Equity in access to service Theme wise analysis reports Wastewater diagram
14 Database SUPPORT TO SLB NATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGS ORGANISE CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOPS Activities as National Technical Support Partner NATIONAL DATABASE FOR SLB BASELINE AND TARGETS MoU with Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India for Roll out in ALL States CEPT designated as The National Technical Support Partner to help mainstream PAS in other states -Target at least 3 states in 2 years
Aiming to disseminate the level of performance of service delivery of the urban local bodies (ULBs). The Home Dashboard to select city which is linked with the general information and Basic as well as Advance Information UWSS. Mobile Application for Citizen’s Feedback To know the details of your city, just select the name of the city..... and click on the links for Water Supply, Waste Water, Solid Waste and Finance Home DashboardBasic tabAdvance tab
Performance Improvement Plans City Sanitation Plans Service Level Benchmarking Information System Improvement ODF Cities Septage Management Sanitation Solid Waste Management Create & Monitor Database 6 years’ databank for 400+ cities Integrated Faecal Sludge Management Plans PIP Tools Making Cities Open Defecation Free Financial Mechanisms Innovative Technologies City Ranking Demand Based support to ULBs Capacity Building of ULBs Equity in Service Delivery 400+ cities Municipal Councils Nagar Panchayats e-governance Municipal Corporations Maharashtra UWSS SLB Cell Support to State Government 259 Urban Local Bodies Performance Small and Medium Towns Water Supply
While we may have over a hundred indicators, the policy makers look at very few indicators (e.g. coverage, NRW, per capita supply). In a large scale assessment system, reliability is an issue. But we found that it was important first to establish the system, get everyone to report and then work on improving reliability. analysis and visualization of results is very useful. So it is important to generate dashboards that can be used by utility managers. Finally, some ranking of utilities based on their performance is useful in catching attention of all. This ‘is particularly useful for developing a ‘reward’ programme or performance based grants. PAS Project Key lessons 17
18 Thank You Website: www.