codeFirfield Jasjit Kaur Atwal Amanda Coffey Ian Williams
Learning Objectives/ This Session What is computational thinking? What is coding? What are the curriculum requirements? What are Ofsted looking for? How can I code in Scratch? How can I plan a 6 week course? How can I create Bronze/ Silver/ Gold projects? How can I incorporate physical computing? How can I use Scratch to help learning across the curriculum?
Why Coding? - a tool to help us teach computational thinking Computing is now the fourth science and comprises computer science (how computers work), information technology and digital skills. We will talk about CS, DL and IT further. Technology and computers now play a vital role in our lives and this is likely to progress and evolve. Children will learn the skill of Computational Thinking, e.g. when using a calculator you need to be able to understand and interpret the problem before you input it and the calculator helps you to solve it. Coding, or programming, comes after the computational thinking and is simply a tool that instructs computers to solve problems for us.
A Summary from ‘Computing in the National Curriculum A Guide for Primary Teachers’ Computing At School
Focus on Computational Thinking Pattern Recognition – Looking for patterns and using them to solve a problem. Decomposition – Solve a problem by breaking it into smaller parts. Abstraction - Taking something complex and finding a pattern.
What do we have to teach? – KS1 Algorithms = A set of instructions. Even a set of instructions for making a jam sandwich can be an algorithm. A lesson plan is an algorithm. A simple flow chart is an algorithm. Coding = Taking an Algorithm and putting it into a language the computer will understand (Bee bot, Scratch, Python, HTML, C++, Java etc.). This creates a program. If the algorithm is not clear and precise then the program will not complete the task. A key skill is creating an efficient and precise algorithm before you create the program.
What do we have to teach? – KS1 Debugging = When you create an algorithm you should fully understand every step you have created, such that you can analyse and predict expected outcome – that is LOGIC. If when you create a program using that algorithm it does not produce the outcome you expected you will be able to logically and systematically go back through your algorithm to detect and correct the fault. That is debugging. Debugging may be required repeatedly during the creation of one program. It can be a frustrating experience for everybody in the classroom. However, responding to an initial failure and persevering is a key skill to acquire for their emotional intelligence.
Why Use Scratch? Scratch is simple to use, colour coded and logical. Children can instantly see the results of their code. Scratch can create complex programs – e.g. gifted and talented pupils. At there are resources created by educators, set out just like TES. Scratch projects are everywhere. TES also has Scratch resources and lesson plans, whilst TWINKL has posters.
What do we have to teach? – KS2 Loops and Repetitions. Sometimes in life we have to do the same things over and over. If you are writing an algorithm (set of instructions) to complete a task rather than writing out the same task statement again and again we would rather use a repeat instruction.
What do we have to teach? – KS2 IF statements Sometimes you only have to repeat if a certain other condition is true.
What do we have to teach? – KS2 IF statements IF raining then Use umbrella
What do we have to teach? – KS2 IF statements IF raining then Use umbrella else Don’t use umbrella
Physical Computing? The new curriculum makes reference to ‘controlling physical systems’ in the programme of study which implies the use of sensors, motors and perhaps robotics. Pupils should be working with inputs, outposts and variables, but this should be more than the mouse (input), display (output). Working with sound and media is one option, using perhaps built in microphones/ webcams. Alternatively please see handout for a suggested lesson plan using a ‘picoboard’ for Scratch. Other devices may be a ‘makeymakey’, raspberry Pi, arduino, code bug.
Lesson Plans for Scratch/ Coding Whilst teaching year 6, we created Bronze/ Silver/ Gold handouts. The children start at a recommended level and move up. Alternatively, you could just give them a handout with code on and differentiation through outcome. Always start by showing them what a good one looks like (WAGOLL). Always give them success criteria (WILF) (e.g. Jude – images with no content!).
Using Scratch Across the Curriculum Once a child has learnt the basics of Scratch it becomes a tool to display or consolidate learning in other subjects: Maths/ English/History/ Art/ Science/ Music/ PE/ French etc.
Other languages - Python
OFSTED In 2014, HMI David Brown, Ofsted’s national lead for computing, gave an excellent presentation, setting out his views on what good and outstanding computing would look like in schools. His original presentation was later deleted from the Ofsted website and replaced with slides explaining the generic inspection details. Here is a link to the original presentation with computing specific slides:
OFSTED – Inclusion/ Gender It is our job as educators is to remove barriers so that every child can access every part of the curriculum. At the beginning of computer science there was an equal ratio of men and women completing degrees. It was in 1984 that the number of women dropped significantly – home computers were marketed as boys toys! Not every child has access to computers or the internet at home. We need to create access opportunities for those children.
Useful links curriculum-in-england-computing-programmes-of-studyhttps:// curriculum-in-england-computing-programmes-of-study - the computing programme of study. - Ofsted - a definition of the term ALGORITHM. - a good set of SCRATCH cards for extension work. information about the Scratch Jr app user guides and completed projects by adults and children. - resources for teaching scratch. resources - reviews of different coding apps. ipad apps to help with computational thinking. Ofsted 5 ready made scratch programs but with bugs that need fixing. resources resources