Bellwork Algebraically determine whether the function is even, odd, or neither. Verify your answer using a graphing utility.
Last Nights HW Pg96 1. D: (-∞, ∞) R: (-∞, 1] 2. D: (-∞, ∞) R: (-∞, ∞) 3. D: (- ∞, -1] U [1, ∞) R: [0, ∞) 4. D: [-4, 4] R: [0, 4] 5. D: (- ∞, ∞) R: [0, ∞) 6. D: (- ∞, ∞) R: (-∞, 0] 13. Function 14. Function 15. Not a Function 16. Not a Function 17. Function 18. Not a Function 21. inc: (-∞, 0), (2, ∞) dec: (0, 2) neither 22. inc: (1, ∞) dec: (-∞, -1) even 48.Even Function 50.Neither
Unit 1 - Day 2
Essential Question How do you shift, reflect and stretch graphs?
1.3 Basic Graph Transformations! Activity 1: Using your calculator compare and contrast the equations. Group the equations any way you want but make sure you can justify your categories. Activity 2: Taking a closer look.
Transformations 1. Left/Right f(x + c)Left c units f(x – c)Right c units 2. Stretch y = c* f(x)multiply y’s by c y = f(c *x)multiply x’s by 1/c
Transformations Continued 3. Reflect y = - f(x) reflect over x-axis y = f(-x) reflect over y-axis 4. Up/Down y = f(x) + cup c units y = f(x) – c down c units
Graphing Group Activity Will be a quiz grade.
Homework Continue working on graphing group problems, they will be turned in tomorrow during class.