We’ve been learning about a lot of different topics, so let’s do a quick review and look at what we’ve learned and how they all tie in. 1.Industrial Revolution. 2.Transportation Revolution. 3.Abolitionism. 4.Major Reforms.
The Second Great Awakening, similar to the First Great Awakening, caused people to change the way they looked at the world around them. The Christian values of “doing good” and “helping others” encouraged people to try and fix the problems around them. Second Great Awakening 1. Education for the deaf and blind. 2. Reforms for the mentally disabled. 3. Prison reforms. 4. Education reforms. 5. Temperance movement.
Industrial/Transportation Revolution 1790s-1860s Second Great Awakening (1790s- early 1830s) Second Great Awakening (1790s- early 1830s) 1790s 1830s 1860s Education for the deaf Education for the blind Reforms for the mentally disabled Abolition Movement Labor Unions/Strikes (1830s-1900s) Temperance Movement (1830s-1900s) Women’s Rights(1850s- 1900s) 1850s Education Reform Prison Reform
Now stop and think: Who (which particular group) was involved in most of the reforms? WOMEN! So as women fought for the rights or protection of others, they started to fight for their own rights. By participating in various reform movements, women gained the skills, experience, and confidence to fight for their own rights! Second Great Awakening (1790s-1830s) Second Great Awakening (1790s-1830s) Major Reform Movements (1790s-1860s) Major Reform Movements (1790s-1860s) Women Rights Movement