Student Log-Ins
1. First Time Only: User Name: Lastname.First Initial### Password: Lastname.First Initial### -No Spaces -Case Sensitive -### last three digits of your student ID Smith.J122 Smith.J122 CBSTUDENT
2. Change Your Password You will be requested to change the password on your initial log-in. Be sure that you choose a password that you will remember. The user name is still: Lastname.First Initial### ▫Only the librarian can reset your password ▫You will be able to log-in from any computer in the building after your initial log-in.
3. LOG OFF and LOG BACK IN This will make your drives visible YOU MUST DO THIS TO ENSURE CORRECT FUTURE USE!
4. My Computer and Saving Go to “My Computer” Go to View and click list Students each have an “I” drive for: ▫Personal Space –To work on rough copies of work or to save work that is incomplete or needs revisions. ▫“Save As” any work here. Students each have a “V” drive for: ▫Primarily a folder for communication between teacher and student… ▫You can find specific teacher’s folders in here
The V-drive: Two Folders Stu_Share Folder You can open files and “Save As” to a different location but you cannot modify any files on this folder. Teacher will be able to upload files as templates. Stu_Drop_Folder Students can drag or copy to, but not open any files. This folder is for final copies of student work. To submit work electronically drag and drop to Stu_Drop_Folder, BUT SAVE IT IN THE I-DRIVE FIRST!