CMS TAXS REGION D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting
Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM General view of 3d conceptual design (ATLAS&CMS) 1)Created solution is a baseline of current vacuum system 2)Where possible – aluminium solution (transition) 3)BPMSW 4)3 structures to remove independently: gate valve TAS, VAX+BPM, gate valve IR 5)Long bellows to transfer transversal & longitudinal while short ones - longitudinal TA S Experimen t Alignment issues Sector valve moves with TAS absorber Sector valve moves with vacuum chamber VAX+BPM moves independently Pumping/venting lines together with angle valve on site Tunnel
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting3 DN100 valves.
Cabling management (1) Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Nomenclature: Tce: thermocouple type E VEC: heating collar VET: heating tape + insulation thickness 8mm VEJ: heating jacket + insulation thickness 25mm Calculated section: 1055mm2 Ion pump cable assumption ~D1cm Total: 1200mm2 ? Services needs. Cabling.
Cabling/piping management (2) Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Outside diameters: 1.Flange DN63 + heating collar OD114+3 thickness (mm)= OD120 (mm) ~140 (mm) 2.Tube DN63 + heating tape + insulation OD63+tape+8 thickness (mm)=83 (mm) ~100 (mm) 3. Bellow + heating tape + insulation OD83 + tape + 8/25 (mm) = 103/135 (mm) ~120/150 (mm) The rest of pumping/ venting instrument s depends on design Services needs. Piping.
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting6 Services routing. Allow RS opening Allow TAXS alignment Allow Remote handling
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting7 Piping routing through first FIN disk.
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting8
Close-up of the bellow & flanges at 16m A. Gaddi (20 th WP8 Bi-weekly meeting)
Study for a new support of the vacuum pump Interference with vacuum remote handling system A. Gaddi (20 th WP8 Bi-weekly meeting)
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting12 ST Q1TASL3 assembly (Vacuum layout) ST (Vacuum support) ST & ST (Integration ) For the time being, these models are integrated in ST (Ens Forward RB54), which is an old Euclid import. CATIA models Next step is the integration with CMS CATIA Models
Situation actuelle D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting mm 990mm 1480mm
Situation actuelle D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting mm 150 mm
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 15 Situation actuelle
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 16 Situation actuelle
Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 17
Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 18
Baseline scénario D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting 19
TAXS next steps, detail studies Integration in CMS Forward region CATIA model Alignment (BP support & TAXS) Vacuum: from DN100 to DN63 Connection Q1-TAXS Risk assessment Interventions, remote handling D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting20
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting21
D. Brethoux, M. Lazzaroni, F. Sanchez Galan, WP8 meeting22