Gauss’s Law for the magnetic field is a statement of the fact that electric charge has no analog in magnetism. That is, there is no such thing as a magnetic monopole. a) True. b) False.
Magnetic flux plays the same role in Gauss’s Law for the magnetic field that electric flux plays in Gauss’s Law for the electric field. a) True. b) False.
Gauss’s Law for the magnetic field involves the exact same kind of integral over the same kind of area as occurs in Gauss’s Law for the electric field. The only difference is that in the former case the integral involves the magnetic field whereas in the latter case the integral involves the electric field. a) True. b) False.
Gauss’s Law involves an integral over a surface whereas Ampere’s Law involves an integral along a curve. a) True. b) False.
Ampere’s Law is a statement of the fact that charge flow causes magnetic field. a) True. b) False.
What is electric current? a) Charge speed. b) Charge flow rate.
In applying Ampere’s Law, one uses an imaginary loop. a) True. b) False.
In applying Ampere’s Law one addresses the question as to what the charge flow rate about the amperian loop is. a) True. b) False.
When we talk about the current through the amperian loop in the case of Ampere’s Law, we are talking about charge flow along a line or curve that “pokes through” the surface for which the amperian loop is the perimeter. a) True. b) False.
The perimeter (edge) of a tabletop forms what we mean by a closed loop in the context of Ampere’s Law whereas the surface of an inflated balloon forms a closed surface in the context of Gauss’s Law. a) True. b) False.
The top surface of a pond would be an example of an open surface whereas the outer surface of a football would be an example of a closed surface. a) True. b) False.