Dr. Stuart Reichler Bio 311D
DateSubjectTextbook Chapters Jan 14Introduction, Philosophy of Science 16Strong Inferencearticle on webpage 18, 23Meiosis12, 13 Jan 21No Class (MLK day) 25, 28, 30, Feb 1, 4Inheritance14, 15 Feb 6Exam 1 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20Evolution22–26 22, 25, 27Plant Physiology29, 30, 35–39 Feb 29Exam 2 Mar 3, 5, 7Plant Physiology29, 30, 35–39 Mar 10-16No Class (Spring Break) 17, 19Plant Physiology29, 30, 35–39 21, 24, 26, 28, 31Animal Physiology32–34, 40–49 Apr 2Exam 3 4, 7, 9Animal Physiology32–34, 40–49 11, 14, 16, 18, 21Ecology50–55 Apr 23Exam 4 25, 28, 30, May 2Ecology50–55 May 12, 9am–noon or May 7, 7-10pm Final Exam
Q: If your diet lacks iron (Fe), what might happen to you?
A: Iron is needed for hemoglobin to bind O2, without it O2 will not be distributed, and cellular respiration will stop.
Q: What does the inside of the small intestine look like, and how is the structure of the small intestine related to its function?
A: Any one of these descriptions is ok. It is undulated, it has villi, a large surface area. This large surface area is necessary for the efficient absorption of nutrients.
Q: Why are victims of severe burns also susceptible to infections?
A: The skin is an important barrier to pathogens. If it is damaged, pathogens can enter.
Q: During plant evolution, what plant cell type was necessary for the evolution of shoots? Explain.
A: Sclerenchyma, these thick-walled cells allow the needed support AND transport.
Studying Biology: Start with a question. –For example: How? Why? When? Where? Etc? How do we get answers? –Strong Inference presents one method (article on webpage)
What causes Mad Cow Disease (aka BSE)?
Brain tissue from cow with BSE. Scrapie in sheep, CJD or Kuru in humans looks similar.
How could you test for the infectious agent?
Dr. Stanley Prusiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997 for the discovery of prions… infectious proteins.
normally folded proteins Prion (abnormally folded protein) Interaction between prion and normal protein causes normal protein to misfold… … which leads to increasing numbers of prions Prion Propogation
Studying Biology: Start with a question. –For example: How? Why? When? Where? Etc? How do we get answers? –Strong Inference presents one method (article on webpage)