“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” -Ryunosuke Satoro Respond to the questions below in AT LEAST 3 COMPLETE SENTENCES! Do you agree with this quote? Why? How does this quote relate to group work in life? “ Smart Start”- ON NOTEBOOK PAPER
O4 Purpose: Which portion of the rhetorical triangle was used in this clip. Write one change that could have been made to make this commercial more persuasive? Video Clip
Announcements The school spelling bee will be held today after school from 4-6 pm. PRE-AP ONLY: Week 1 Vocabulary Quiz 1/20.
SWBAT utilize class time to work on a persuasive commercial project. Objective
We will use laptops to access Powtoon, a free website that allows users to create commercials. One student from each group, will pull from a bucket to randomly select a topic and a persuasive strategy that should be used to create the persuasive commercial. This project will only be worked on during your ELA class. There is no assigned homework associated with this project. Persuasive Commercial Group Project
Each group member will have a responsibility. Take 1 minute to decide what each group member’s job will be. 1. Neat Expert: Responsible for keeping work area neat, retrieving/returning the laptops, and keeping up with the rubric. 2. Login Expert: Responsible for creating and keeping up with the Powtoon login information. You may only use the school address and all login information is to be turned into me. 3. Task Director: Responsible for keeping group members on task and ensuring that everyone actively contributes. 4. Time Keeper: Responsible for providing time reminders to help the group manage time effectively. Group Responsibilities
Folks, lets READ the rubric! This project will be graded according to the rubric. Unless I am made aware of members of your group that are NOT helping, everyone will receive the same grade. Rubric
Before we use our laptops, take several minutes to write down: How/what words you will use to persuade. Organize your thoughts Before Laptops…
The ONLY person that should log on to the computer is the Login expert!! 1.Login is your ID number. The password is your birthday (MM/DD/YYYY). 2.Go to Powtoon.com 3.Use your school address to create a Powtoon account. DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR UPGRADE ANYTHING ON THE LAPTOPS. Computer Login Steps