Part-time Jobs
What’s the difference between part-time jobs in the West and China?
In China part-time jobs are temporary jobs. A person may do it one day or occasionally for a period of time. In the West we call this a temporary job.
In the West part-time jobs are long- term jobs but a person only works about 30 hours or less each week. It’s common for students or mothers. A job that is at least 36 hours every week is called a full-time job.
Think of and write down eight part-time jobs that students can do in China.
People can pass out flyers/ advertisements. (The West doesn’t have this.)
Fast food worker (Not a waiter.)
A waiter/waitress is only in a sit-down restaurant. He or she comes to the table to serve you. Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at
Tutor children Image courtesy of stockimages at
Delivery person (for a delivery company) Image on the right courtesy of stockimages at
Cleaner in a hotel (In the West this job pays well.) Image courtesy of MR LIGHTMAN at
Food delivery (In America only pizza is delivered.)
Sales person (I work in sales.) Image courtesy of stockimages at
Online sales (This isn’t common for individuals in the West.) Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Babysitter (in the West) Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
Think of and write down seven advantages of having a part-time job and seven disadvantages of a part-time job.