Member updates Ed DPG Retreat Kibo Palace Hotel, Arusha January 2011
2 GIZ: Programmes and Projects GIZ exists since 2011 and comprises former GTZ, DED and InWent Germany does not support Education sector per se Support to the education sector through the GIZ health programme (TGPSH) implemented by Swiss TPH Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) component for in and out of school youth, where PASHA is embedded PASHA: Training of school counsellors and peer educators
3 GIZ: Priorities – 2011 (PASHA) Formal integration of PASHA into the MoEVT Strengthening links to PMORALG in particular on regional/district level Rolling out the PASHA approach Establish partnerships in the rollout Phasing out of GIZ support (PASHA is now in the 3 rd phase)
GIZ: Challenges & Expertise Challenges Funding for rollout Responsibilities in the MoEVT (AIDS unit, Guidance and counselling unit, PASHA?) Expertise/Value added Technical and financial support Structures established in intervention areas Capacity created 4