Benjamin Franklin By: Helen, Felix, Ryan, Tanya, and Jhon
Time Line 1706 Franklin was born on Milk Street 1730 married to Deborah Reed 1744 Invent Franklin stove 1752 Conducts electricity experiment 1790 Ben Franklin Dies 1706 Franklin was born on Milk Street 1730 married to Deborah Reed 1744 Invent Franklin stove 1752 Conducts electricity experiment 1790 Ben Franklin Dies
Well known facts G Deborah Reed and Benjamin Franklin were buried together G Benjamin Franklin made a cartoon that showed Ben’s belief that the colonies had to work together,If they did not they would die separately G Deborah Reed and Benjamin Franklin were buried together G Benjamin Franklin made a cartoon that showed Ben’s belief that the colonies had to work together,If they did not they would die separately
Inventions.He used the glasses so he could read. He created the lightning rod with his Kite in a lightning storm. He created the bifocal glasses
Money days He was on the five cent coin He is on the one hundred dollar bill There were over fifty different kinds of hundred dollar bills!!!!!!!!
Death and Legacy Benjamin died on April 17,1790
The End Special thanks Various. "Benjamin Franklin." Wikipedia. 24 Oct Oct Special thanks Various. "Benjamin Franklin." Wikipedia. 24 Oct Oct