Byron V. Garrett Chief Executive Officer National PTA Transformers for Children How Teachers Can Build Powerful Partnerships with Parents
TEACHERS Transformers of children’s futures
“Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.” Marian Wright Edelman
“Never doubt that a group of committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has!” Margaret Mead
Parents + Teachers = Student Success
$1,000 The amount of additional school funding needed to match the gains in student achievement that comes from successful parental engagement.
“I see the benefits of my involvement and participation. It’s better than money.” L.A. Parent Rina Cheu
Step One in Parent-Teacher Partnerships: Welcome All Families
Our Kids Digital Natives who must be guided by parents and teachers.
7.38 The number of hours children spend using media each day. It was just 6 hours five years ago.
5.7 million The number of children in America living 50 percent below the poverty line.
Parents of ELL Students Ready to be engaged despite obstacles
Other Caregivers Grandparents. Uncles. Foster parents.
Our Parents Today Busy. Diverse. Challenged
The Importance of Trust Respect Competence Integrity Personal regard
National Standards for Family-School Partnerships Guides for Fostering Student Success
Parents and Teachers: Fostering student success KW Barrett Elementary Parents and Teachers share math lessons and recipes in “Kitchen Math Exchanges” Arlington, Virginia
Parents and Teachers: Fostering student success East Side Elementary Teachers and parents collaborate with the help of “Friday Folders” and progress sheets. Marietta, Georgia
Steps to Partnering with parents Reach Out To Parents
Steps to Partnering with parents Showcase What Kids Are Doing
Steps to Partnering with parents Explain What Student Progress Looks Like
Steps to Partnering with parents Meet Parents Where They Are
Steps to Partnering with parents Leverage Communication
Steps to Partnering with parents Join PTA
Being a man or woman is a matter of birth; being a man or woman who makes a difference, is a matter of choice!
(800) 307-4PTA (4782)