Forestry Unit 6: Resources and Sustainability Ms. Thind
Did you know… 18.1 million hectares have been infested with the mountain pine beetle! Holy Toledo! That’s more than five times the size of Vancouver Island!
Needles begin to fall as tree lacks nutrients
Pine beetle turns trees red
Why is forestry important in BC? B.C.'s forest product exports totalled $9.95 billion in Over 53,000 workers were employed in 2011 in the B.C. forest sector.
Sustainable Forestry is about managing forests to provide the natural resources we need now and in the future. How?? Three spheres of sustainability
Oil and Gas Settleme nt Agricultu re Mining Forestry
Zero Net Deforestation when trees from forest land are removed to permanently convert the forest land to a different use, new trees will be planted elsewhere. This will ensure no net reduction in forest land. Government provides incentives. Monitored bi-annually.
True Sustainability Increased forest conservation Longer timeframes between logging Replacing the current calculation of how much forest is logged — the AAC or Allowable Annual Cut — with an entirely new approach based on the carbon stored in trees and known as the Carbon Cut Calculation or CCC New tree plantations that are planted specifically to store carbon A true no net deforestation policy
Effects of deforestation Destruction of habitat loss of animal and plant species Less fertile due to lack of humus soil no regrowth soil erosion Soil erosion more surface runoff and flooding Barriers to fish spawning Silt washes in from logging and urbanization washes away fish egg s Lack of trees to absorb co2 and produce o2 global warming