Blood Facts What will it cost to host a Red Cross blood drive? QUESTION
Blood Facts While partnering with the Red Cross won’t cost you any money, it does take time and work. But, we are sure you will agree the benefits to your organization, the community and the nation are well worth it. ANSWER
Blood Facts How long does it take to plan a blood drive? QUESTION
Blood Facts The Red Cross needs about two months notice to schedule a date and staff for a blood drive. You should begin recruiting donors and scheduling appointments about one month before the drive. When you commit to sponsoring a blood drive, we will provide more detailed information about timelines and steps to follow to plan a drive. ANSWER
Blood Facts QUESTION How much time will our organization’s blood drive coordinator need to spend working on the blood drive?
Blood Facts ANSWER The primary responsibilities of the blood drive coordinator are publicizing the drive within the organization, recruiting and scheduling appointments with blood donors, and communicating with your Red Cross donor recruitment rep. There’s no set amount of time we ask you to invest, however the more donors you recruit, the greater the success of the blood drive.
Blood Facts QUESTION How many committed donors do we need to have a blood drive?
Blood Facts ANSWER Participation at your blood drive will depend on the size of your business, school, place of worship, community organization or public event. To responsibly maximize our resources, we request a minimum of 25 to 30 committed donors.
Blood Facts QUESTION What is a committed donor?
Blood Facts ANSWER Someone who has signed up on the Interest Survey stating that they will donate at your blood drive. Our experience shows that prospective donors who sign up in advance will be more committed to giving at your blood drive. Their phone number will help to schedule them once a date is set.
Blood Facts QUESTION Why do I need to get advance commitments from donors?
Blood Facts ANSWER We have learned that an advance commitment from donors usually ensures they will participate. Pre-drive signups give us a pretty accurate estimate of participation, which helps us staff and equip your blood drive adequately and make the most efficient use of resources. Advance commitments also help us ensure an adequate supply of blood for patients in your community.
Blood Facts QUESTION How do we get people to sign up?
Blood Facts ANSWER Don't be shy -- ask them! The main reason people don't donate blood is they have not been asked. Another option is to form a committee and have each person recruit a certain number of donors. Tell potential donors that each donation can save up to three lives.
Blood Facts QUESTION How long does it take to donate?
Blood Facts ANSWER The entire blood donation process lasts about 1 hour.
Blood Facts QUESTION Who can donate blood?
Blood Facts ANSWER To be eligible to donate whole blood someone must: Be at least 17 years old (16 in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska with signed Red Cross parental consent form). Weigh at least 110 lbs. Be in good health.
Blood Facts QUESTION What if we don’t have the time?
Blood Facts ANSWER You won’t do it alone – the Red Cross is there to help you every step of the way. We will help you determine your blood drive goal, help you with donor and volunteer recruitment, bring the equipment and supplies to you and collect the donations.
Blood Facts QUESTION What if no one is interested in helping me plan the drive?
Blood Facts ANSWER You won’t do it alone – the Red Cross is there to help you every step of the way. Plus, you never know until you ask others for help. Start by contacting close colleagues and friends. Your Red Cross donor recruitment rep. is also available to meet with your blood drive committee members to help inspire and motivate them.
Blood Facts QUESTION What if we don’t have the appropriate space or meet the other requirements?
Blood Facts ANSWER If for some reason your organization does not qualify to hold a mobile blood drive, there are other options for your organization to support Blood Services. We can look at these options together now. Red Cross partnership is personal to each organization, and we will help you find the right fit.
Blood Facts QUESTION We are ready to sponsor a blood drive. What do we do next?
Blood Facts ANSWER You will need to circulate the Interest Survey to determine the level of blood drive support in your organization. Once the survey is complete, we can work together to schedule a date for your drive.
Blood Facts QUESTION I need more time to think about this partnership What do I need to do next?
Blood Facts ANSWER While you take time to consider partnership with the Red Cross, please keep in mind the following points: Someone needs blood approximately every two seconds. About 38,000 pints of blood are needed daily. While it does take time and work, sponsoring a blood drive won’t cost you any money, and the Red Cross is there to help. We’ll plan to get back in touch in a few weeks. If you have any questions before then, please contact us.
Blood Facts QUESTION I need to talk with others before we make a decision. What do I need to do next?
Blood Facts ANSWER Please share the partnership brochure with others in your organization. If questions arise during your discussions or if you would like us to speak directly with someone, we welcome the opportunity. We’ll plan to get back in touch in a few weeks. If you have any questions before then, please contact us.
Blood Facts QUESTION We are not interested in/not able to sponsor a blood drive. How else can we help the Red Cross?
Blood Facts ANSWER While it is unfortunate that you are not able to sponsor a blood drive, there are other ways your organization can support the Red Cross. We can look at those options now. Red Cross partnership is personal to each organization, and we are committed to helping you find the right fit.