Preventing Maternal and Infant Mortalities What GNBD Can Do
GNBD What GNBD Can Do The objectives of GNBD contain messages to each of the RI Six Area's of Focus (AoF) to be shared with the RCs and Districts. Today we focus on AoF 2 and 4 – 1. Peace and conflict prevention/resolution – 2. Disease prevention and treatment – safe and efficacious blood, available, accessible and affordable is an integral part of the health care provision 3. Water and sanitation –
GNBD What GNBD Can Do 4. Maternal and child health – around 75% of all transfusions in the restricted economy countries are given to obstetric and paediatric patients, where still a considerable number of women in these countries die due to severe haemorrhage during delivery and the shortage of an adequate blood supply 5. Basic education and literacy – 6. Economic and community development –
GNBD What GNBD Can Do Encouraging volunteer blood donation and collaboration with local community blood centers; Collaboration with other groups and RAGs of similar purpose; Create a ‘clearing house’ of initiatives and models Collect operational data (community and donor management) to create indicators for assessment of success, to allow sustained policy and strategy making.