The Scientific Revolution
Middle Ages Scientific authorities included: Scientific authorities included: Ancient GreeksAncient Greeks Ptolemy Ptolemy Aristotle Aristotle The BibleThe Bible
Middle Ages Ptolemy and Aristotle: Ptolemy and Aristotle: Earth - sphereEarth - sphere Geocentric Theory - Moon, Sun, and planets all revolve in circular paths around Earth.Geocentric Theory - Moon, Sun, and planets all revolve in circular paths around Earth.
Scientific Revolution Scientific Revolution – new way of thinking about the natural world, based on careful observation. Scientific Revolution – new way of thinking about the natural world, based on careful observation. Logic and reasonLogic and reason
Scientific Method Pioneered by: Pioneered by: Francis Bacon (British)Francis Bacon (British) Rene Descartes (French)Rene Descartes (French)
Scientific Method Logical procedure for gathering information about the natural world. Logical procedure for gathering information about the natural world. ExperimentationExperimentation ObservationObservation
Scientific Revolution Led to advances in: Led to advances in: AstronomyAstronomy PhysicsPhysics ChemistryChemistry MedicineMedicine TechnologyTechnology
The Scientific Revolution Astronomy
Nicolaus Copernicus Polish cleric (monk) Polish cleric (monk) Studied planetary motion for 25 years. Studied planetary motion for 25 years. Developed Heliocentric Theory Developed Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus Feared how people would respond to his ideas. Feared how people would respond to his ideas. Did not publish his theories until 1543, when he was dying. Did not publish his theories until 1543, when he was dying.
Nicolaus Copernicus Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory held that the Earth and other planets revolve in circular paths around the Sun. Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory held that the Earth and other planets revolve in circular paths around the Sun.
Tycho Brahe Danish astronomer Danish astronomer Recorded years of mathematical data about planetary motion until his death in Recorded years of mathematical data about planetary motion until his death in 1601.
Johannes Kepler Brahe’s assistant Brahe’s assistant German mathematicianGerman mathematician Discovered patterns in Brahe’s mathematic dataDiscovered patterns in Brahe’s mathematic data
Johannes Kepler
Laws of Planetary Motion Laws of Planetary Motion Earth and other planets revolve around the SunEarth and other planets revolve around the Sun Planets’ orbits are elliptical, NOT perfect circles.Planets’ orbits are elliptical, NOT perfect circles.
Johannes Kepler Elliptical orbit Elliptical orbit
Galileo Galilei Italian astronomer / physicist Italian astronomer / physicist Studied the heavens with his own, home-made telescope. Studied the heavens with his own, home-made telescope. Disproved many of the Church’s theories at the time. Disproved many of the Church’s theories at the time.
Galileo vs. The Church Galileo supported Heliocentric Theory, and mocked the Pope for not believing in it. Galileo supported Heliocentric Theory, and mocked the Pope for not believing in it. The Pope had Galileo tried by the Roman Inquisition. The Pope had Galileo tried by the Roman Inquisition. Galileo had to recant (take back) what he had said. Galileo had to recant (take back) what he had said.
The Scientific Revolution Physics
Galileo Galilei (again) Law of the Pendulum – each swing of a pendulum takes the same amount of time, regardless of distance. Law of the Pendulum – each swing of a pendulum takes the same amount of time, regardless of distance.
Galileo Galilei (again) Law of Falling Objects – objects fall at a fixed rate. Law of Falling Objects – objects fall at a fixed rate. Larger / heavier objects fall at the same speed as smaller / lighter ones.Larger / heavier objects fall at the same speed as smaller / lighter ones.
Isaac Newton English scientist English scientist Law of Gravity – every object in the universe attracts other objects. Law of Gravity – every object in the universe attracts other objects. Gravity is responsible for the movement of planets, moons, etc.Gravity is responsible for the movement of planets, moons, etc. Laws of Motion Laws of Motion
Isaac Newton How Newton discovers gravity? How Newton discovers gravity?
The Scientific Revolution Chemistry
Robert Boyle Investigated matter Investigated matter Boyle’s Law – how the volume, temperature, and pressure of a gas affect each other. Boyle’s Law – how the volume, temperature, and pressure of a gas affect each other.
The Scientific Revolution Medicine
William Harvey English doctor English doctor Described the heart, blood vessels, Described the heart, blood vessels, and their functions.
Edward Jenner English doctor English doctor Invented Smallpox vaccine using cowpox. Invented Smallpox vaccine using cowpox. Inoculation – using live germs to build the body’s immunity.Inoculation – using live germs to build the body’s immunity.
The Scientific Revolution Technology
Telescope Uses lenses to magnify far off objects. Uses lenses to magnify far off objects. Galileo was Galileo was probably the first to use one to look into space.
Microscope Uses lenses to magnify extremely small objects. Uses lenses to magnify extremely small objects. Invented by Zacharias Janssen, a Dutch eyeglass maker. Invented by Zacharias Janssen, a Dutch eyeglass maker.
Barometer Measures atmospheric pressure to predict the weather. Measures atmospheric pressure to predict the weather. Invented by Evangelista Torricelli (one of Galileo’s students). Invented by Evangelista Torricelli (one of Galileo’s students).
Thermometer Uses mercury in a glass tube to measure temperature. Uses mercury in a glass tube to measure temperature. Invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit. Invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit.
Other Advancements All-weather roads All-weather roads Gravel / cobblestonesGravel / cobblestones Beginning of an Agricultural Revolution Beginning of an Agricultural Revolution New farm toolsNew farm tools Even better ship designs Even better ship designs