Make an HTML table using Visual Studio
Approach 1: drag table from Toolbox
Result of Approach 1: A 3-by-3 table
Table tags everything between these tags is part of the table everything between these tags is part of a row everything between these tags is part of a cell (table data item) stands for non-breaking space – Note that each cell has a non- breaking space in it
For Approach 2 you must be in Design view. Then Table appears on the menu.
Table/Insert Table
Use the Insert Table dialog to select the number of rows, columns, border size and border color. Click OK
Result so far in Design View
Result so far in Source View
In Design View, highlight two or more cell in a row and choose Table/Modify/Merge Cells
Result in Design View
Result in Source View – see colspan attribute (and missing in same row)
In Design View highlight two or more cells in a column and go to Table/Modify/Merge Cells
Result in design View
Rsult in Source View – see rowspan attribute (and missing in next row)
Get the Properties Window (if not already there) by going to View/Properties Window
Highlight all of the cells and select style in the Properties Window. Click on the ellipsis … button
Choose the Border category and the select a style, width and color. Click OK.
Result of adding td style
Result in Source (not done efficiently)
Same effect – just apply the same style to all of the ’s at once between the tags in the head