SQL Injection Josh Mann
What is SQL Injection SQL injection is a technique for exploiting web applications that use client-supplied data in SQL queries without stripping potentially harmful characters first.
What applications are at risk CGI PHP ASP JSP etc
Viewing the Source 'COSC 1200 ' Checking Grades Username: Password: Submit
Some SQL Injection True Statements ' or 1=1-- " or 1=1-- or 1=1-- ' or 'a'='a " or "a"="a ') or ('a'='a And many more I am sure
Remote Execution Example '; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ping '-- The ‘; will end the current statement allowing what ever else follows to be executed (shutdown, delete, update, etc)
Value of error statements No Table named ‘Users’ Useful when trying to learn about the database and how it is built (describe and show)
Company vulnerabilities Over 50% of companies may be vulnerable to this type of attack Easy to protect against Easy to learn
Why Do We Care Allows access to protected and private information Cost to business Possible loss of information
Inspiration for this topic COSC 1200 website for displaying students grades. Designed in PHP Using regular expression matching for password verification Not validating user input before attempting to use it in SQL query
Known Exploit Attempted to produce my own SQL injection statements to break this application but ran short on time. Found 1 known exploit in the password matcher (used a regular expression as password)
Good point to the Application The application does not display any user information even when compromised
References html html er.pdf er.pdf ection/default.aspx ection/default.aspx _papers/sql_injection_signatures_evasion.html _papers/sql_injection_signatures_evasion.html