HTML Documents written in hypertext markup language can be interpreted by all web browsers. This language lets the web page developer specify, fonts, colours, pictures, position of elements, etc.
HTML Every html document will contain an opening and closing tag. All information to be displayed on the webpage must be between these two tags. Website programmed in here
Titles Put your title here This code puts a title at the top of the page. If your title or page does not display properly, check to make sure you have both of your closing tags!
The Page The main part of your page fall between the body tags. (Everything typed here will be displayed on your page)
More tags Paragraph tags Break tags The break tag is a self closing tag. You only need the one tag. All self closing tags have the ‘/’ on the right instead of the left What is the difference between the paragraph and break tags?
Fonts The font tag lets you specify how your text appears. Only text typed between the opening and closing font tags are affected. This is a font test NOTE: American spelling of ‘colour’
Text attributes and alignment Bold - Text Italics - Text Center (not centre!) – Two ways: Text
Lists If you type the following into an html document you will not get a proper list My Favourite Activities Aikido Windsurfing Sailing Rock Climbing Skiing Use either the unordered or ordered list tags to correct this.
Lists Aikido Windsurfing Sailing Rock Climbing Skiing To make an ordered list instead use Page 10 explains attributes for lists Bullet types, etc.
Graphics This command will place the picture in the file “graphic.jpg” on your webpage. You must specify where the graphic is being stored in relation to you html file.
Background Colour Background colour and texture is changed by using an attribute modifier in the body tag (web page)
Creating Links To link to another page on your website, or to another website altogether, use the tags. Go to the first page
Tables To add a table use the table tags Row 1 Column 1 Row 1 Column 2 Row 1 Column 3
Tables The tag designates a table row The tag designates a table data cell (or column) Indenting the and tags is considered proper programming style. It makes it much easier to fix problems with your code.
Merging Cells You may want to create more complicated tables to efficiently organize your information. Work Experience Bunge Canada BWDSB
Table Attributes Cellpadding Cellspacing Bgcolor Background Align Border These attributes are explained in the HTML Tutorial file.
Merging Cells Work Experience Bunge Canada
Resume Using HTML, create a one-page online resume Your resume should include graphics and a background Use tables when outlining your education and/or work experience