Seite 1 Page th ANNUAL MEETING May 18 th -20 th Brussels Hosted by EuropeAid and SDC
Seite 3 Page ANNUAL MEETINGS Washington 2010 (28 MO)
Seite 4 Page 4 MEMBERS OF DPWG-LDG United Nations Development Programme UN Capital Development Fund UN-Habitat World Bank EuropeAid, European Commission African Development Bank Joint Africa Institute Inter-American Development Bank MULTILATERAL ORGANISATIONS BILATERAL ORGANISATIONS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development German Development Bank Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation Irish Aid Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Belgian Technical Cooperation Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs French Ministry of Foreign Affairs French Development Agency Austrian Development Agency Canadian International Development Agency United Kingdom Department for International Development The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation United states Agency for International Development
Seite 5 Page facilitation of exchange of information, knowledge management and research on harmonisation, alignment and aid effectiveness in local governance and decentralisation 2.Support to implementation of the Paris / Accra process in local governance and decentralisation 3.Instruments for harmonised and aligned programming in local governance and decentralisation DPWG-LGD WORKPLAN OUTCOME AREAS: Development Outcome To strengthen the DPWG-LGD to enhance harmonisation, alignment and aid effectiveness in Local Governance and Decentralisation.
Seite 6 Page OUTPUTS: 1.1 Case studies revised and published and three additional case studies have been conducted. State of Implementation / Achievement: Synthesis Paper has been finalised by Smoke / Winters (January 2011) 4 Additional case studies have been conducted. Draft country reports and draft synthesis Report has been elaborated and will be discussed at AM.
Seite 7 Page Study on fiscal Decentralisation State of Implementation / Achievement: ToRs for a new study have been developed with input / feedback from interested Members. Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be.
Seite 8 Page Study on Capacity Development State of Implementation / Achievement: TORs for a study have been developed with input / feedback from interested Members. Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be.
Seite 9 Page 9 Outputs 1.4 – 1.6 State of Implementation / Achievement: These outcomes have been achieved or are being implemented according to the plan.
Seite 10 Page Importance of harmonised LGD interventions for MDGs State of Implementation / Achievement: Framing Paper on donor harmonisation has been developed Global Forum on local development has been successfully supported MDG issue is still not fully / systematically addressed in case studies and publications
Seite 11 Page Revision of specific guiding principles State of Implementation / Achievement: Has not started yet Decision has to be taken: if, when and how this activity will be implemented
Seite 12 Page Input 4 HLF Busan State of Implementation / Achievement: A first outline has been elaborated by group members. Based on case studies and synthesis paper publication needs to be finalised. Support from Paul Smoke. Secretariat participated in Cluster A meeting. Various options to include evidence and inputs on LGD. (to be discussed at AM)
Seite 13 Page Course on Harmonisation and DLG has been developed State of Implementation / Achievement: Concept note has been developed Pilot course has been conducted ( in Brussels) Course has been finalised based on feedback Implementation plan needs to be developed
Seite 14 Page Integrated Framework State of Implementation / Achievement: Funds are available (France) Basic information on the concept has been developed A possible pilot country has been identified IF needs to be fully developed ToRs for pilot initiative need to be developed
Seite 15 Page Joint analysis and M&E tools developed State of Implementation / Achievement: ToRs for a new study have been developed with input / feedback from interested members Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be
Seite 16 Page Support to country level State of Implementation / Achievement: Lead donor workshops have not been conducted Case studies can be used as an entry point for country level engagement Conducting of training course at country / regional level Clear concept / mode of engagement needs to be developed (Dissemination of specific guiding principles)
Seite 17 Page 17 PENDING ISSUES Revised and updated work plan up to 2012, including budget (who pays what?) Proposed change of name to DPLGD or DPDLG Revision of flyer Location and host(s) for next year‘s meeting
Seite 18 Page 18 THANK YOU