11.03.2016 Seite 1 Page 111.03.2016 6th ANNUAL MEETING May 18 th -20 th Brussels Hosted by EuropeAid and SDC.


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Presentation transcript:

Seite 1 Page th ANNUAL MEETING May 18 th -20 th Brussels Hosted by EuropeAid and SDC


Seite 3 Page ANNUAL MEETINGS Washington 2010 (28 MO)

Seite 4 Page 4 MEMBERS OF DPWG-LDG  United Nations Development Programme  UN Capital Development Fund  UN-Habitat  World Bank  EuropeAid, European Commission  African Development Bank  Joint Africa Institute  Inter-American Development Bank MULTILATERAL ORGANISATIONS BILATERAL ORGANISATIONS  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit  German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development  German Development Bank  Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation  Irish Aid  Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation  Belgian Technical Cooperation  Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency  Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs  French Ministry of Foreign Affairs  French Development Agency  Austrian Development Agency  Canadian International Development Agency  United Kingdom Department for International Development  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland  Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation  United states Agency for International Development

Seite 5 Page facilitation of exchange of information, knowledge management and research on harmonisation, alignment and aid effectiveness in local governance and decentralisation 2.Support to implementation of the Paris / Accra process in local governance and decentralisation 3.Instruments for harmonised and aligned programming in local governance and decentralisation DPWG-LGD WORKPLAN OUTCOME AREAS: Development Outcome To strengthen the DPWG-LGD to enhance harmonisation, alignment and aid effectiveness in Local Governance and Decentralisation.

Seite 6 Page OUTPUTS: 1.1 Case studies revised and published and three additional case studies have been conducted. State of Implementation / Achievement:  Synthesis Paper has been finalised by Smoke / Winters (January 2011)  4 Additional case studies have been conducted. Draft country reports and draft synthesis Report has been elaborated and will be discussed at AM.

Seite 7 Page Study on fiscal Decentralisation State of Implementation / Achievement:  ToRs for a new study have been developed with input / feedback from interested Members.  Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be.

Seite 8 Page Study on Capacity Development State of Implementation / Achievement:  TORs for a study have been developed with input / feedback from interested Members.  Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be.

Seite 9 Page 9 Outputs 1.4 – 1.6 State of Implementation / Achievement: These outcomes have been achieved or are being implemented according to the plan.

Seite 10 Page Importance of harmonised LGD interventions for MDGs State of Implementation / Achievement:  Framing Paper on donor harmonisation has been developed  Global Forum on local development has been successfully supported  MDG issue is still not fully / systematically addressed in case studies and publications

Seite 11 Page Revision of specific guiding principles State of Implementation / Achievement:  Has not started yet  Decision has to be taken: if, when and how this activity will be implemented

Seite 12 Page Input 4 HLF Busan State of Implementation / Achievement:  A first outline has been elaborated by group members.  Based on case studies and synthesis paper publication needs to be finalised. Support from Paul Smoke.  Secretariat participated in Cluster A meeting. Various options to include evidence and inputs on LGD. (to be discussed at AM)

Seite 13 Page Course on Harmonisation and DLG has been developed State of Implementation / Achievement:  Concept note has been developed  Pilot course has been conducted ( in Brussels)  Course has been finalised based on feedback  Implementation plan needs to be developed

Seite 14 Page Integrated Framework State of Implementation / Achievement:  Funds are available (France)  Basic information on the concept has been developed  A possible pilot country has been identified  IF needs to be fully developed  ToRs for pilot initiative need to be developed

Seite 15 Page Joint analysis and M&E tools developed State of Implementation / Achievement:  ToRs for a new study have been developed with input / feedback from interested members  Decision needs to be taken if study should be conducted and what the exact contents will be

Seite 16 Page Support to country level State of Implementation / Achievement:  Lead donor workshops have not been conducted  Case studies can be used as an entry point for country level engagement  Conducting of training course at country / regional level  Clear concept / mode of engagement needs to be developed (Dissemination of specific guiding principles)

Seite 17 Page 17 PENDING ISSUES  Revised and updated work plan up to 2012, including budget (who pays what?)  Proposed change of name to DPLGD or DPDLG  Revision of flyer  Location and host(s) for next year‘s meeting

Seite 18 Page 18 THANK YOU