The Evolution of Massive Dense Cores Gary Fuller Holly Thomas Nicolas Peretto University of Manchester
Sources 850 m sources Luminous, radio quiet IRAS sources (Sridharan et al. 2002) Typical mass of core few x 100 M o, d~0.5 pc, n~10 5 cm -3 (Beuther etal 2002, Williams et al. 2004) Forming range of objects IRAS20126, IRAS18182 IRAS05338, IRAS19410 But probably not forming IMF worth of stars Modelled to get n(r) and T(r) (Williams et al. 2005) Observations of CH 3 OH, CH 3 CN, CH 3 CCH, C 18 O & C 17 O J=2-1 (84 sources)
Line widths MC1 MCn Few sources dv(C 17 O)>3 km/s C 17 O and N 2 H + trace material kinematically distinct from CS dv(CS) > dv(C 17 O) Origin of CS line width? Turbulent core or effect of the source? CS J=3-2 Beuther etal (2002), N 2 H + Fuller et al (2005)
Modelling the C 17 O Spherical model Adopt T(r), n(r), dv Match m flux Vary f(C 17 O) to match C 17 O line profile Vary f(C 18 O)/f(C 17 O) to match C 18 O Simple model produces very reasonable fits C 17 O lines optically thin Constant C 17 O abundance Range of f(C 17 O): (0.6-10)x10 -8 Well constrained (+/-10%)
C 17 O No models for most sources Calculate beam averaged column densities Match models within factor of 2 Factor 15 scatter in f(C 17 O) Can not change dust properties to reduce spread f(C 17 O) correlated with mass weighted temperature (van der Tak et al. 2000) Freeze-out (Also Fontani et al. 2006)
Line width & Abundance All sources Extreme Sources MC1 MCn Large line width sources have lower abundances Top and bottom 30% of sources differ even more
MC1 Sources Broad CS lines Low C 17 O abundance Evidence for central heating dust hot cores species Maser No IR Nebulae Steep density profiles High M/L MCn Sources Narrow CS lines High C 17 O abundance No evidence of central heating dust hot core species rare Few masers IR Nebulae Shallow density profiles Low M/L
Central Heating Spectral index 850 m-450 m: MC1: Mean spectral index 1.2 MCn: Mean spectral index 1.0 K-S test: differ at >99% Hot Core species:
MC1 Sources Broad CS lines Low C 17 O abundance Evidence for central heating dust hot cores species Maser No IR Nebulae Steep density profiles High M/L MCn Sources Narrow CS lines High C 17 O abundance No evidence of central heating dust hot core species rare Few masers IR Nebulae Shallow density profiles Low M/L
Masers & Nebulae Masers: NIR Nebulae: MC1: 1 nebula (just, dv=3.1 km/s) MCn: 7 nebulae Not due to differences in distances
MC1 Sources Broad CS lines Low C 17 O abundance Evidence for central heating dust hot cores species Maser No IR Nebulae Steep density profiles High M/L MCn Sources Narrow CS lines High C 17 O abundance No evidence of central heating dust hot core species rare Few masers IR Nebulae Shallow density profiles Low M/L
Density Profile Density power law index K-S Test: >99%
Mass and Luminosity MC1 sources tend to be higher mass and luminosity But 12 MCn have L> L ⊙ But most significant difference is in the mass to luminosity ratio M/L(MC1) ~ 10 M/L (MCn)
MC1 Sources Broad CS lines Low C 17 O abundance Evidence for central heating dust hot cores species Maser No IR Nebulae Steep density profiles High M/L MCn Sources Narrow CS lines High C 17 O abundance No evidence of central heating dust hot core species rare Few masers IR Nebulae Shallow density profiles Low M/L Outflows: MC1:10 outflows, MCn : 7 outflows Not mass or luminosity difference
Evolution? MC1: Broad CS lines, low C 17 O abundance, central heating, steep density profiles MCn: Narrow CS lines, higher C 17 O abundance, no central heating, shallower density profiles MC2: f(C 17 O)<4x10 -8, dv=2.4 km/s – 10 sources MC3: f(C 17 O)>4x10 -8, dv=1.9 km/s – 9 sources All sources with IR nebulae in group MC2 Cleared central regions? Hot cores turned off, IR can escape. MC1: Lowest f(C 17 O) – core undisturbed. Larger M/L. MC1 sources younger than MC2/3 sources Evolution from steep to shallow density profile, hot core turn off, CS tracing interaction Freeze-out/depletion: age of 2x10 5 years (Charnley et al 2001)
Future Directions Higher angular resolution Chemical tracers of freeze out Model more of the sources Larger and better matched samples SCUBA-2 GPS survey Methanol Multibeam survey Less evolved sources Spitzer Dark Clouds
Rathborne et al. 2006: MSX 8 micron (colour) +1.2mm contour GLIMPSE Spitzer IRAC 8micron image, same source (MJy/sr) Column density map: cont 2 to 5x10 22 by 0.5x10 22 cm -2 Note: Star associated with densest core was not seen with MSX Younger Sources, High Resolution: Spitzer Dark Cloud