Vincent Van Gogh March 30, 1853– July 29, 1890
Vincent Van Gogh struggled with mental illness 1886 moved to Paris, France and studied art in Paris, he met Impressionist artists that influenced his art moved to Arles, France where he painted nature and landscapes
created 900 paintings and 1100 drawings in 10 years he painted 70 paintings in 70 days before he died at age 37 sold one painting in his lifetime; The Red Vineyard 1888 one of the greatest Dutch painters in history, but he was poor and unknown throughout his life.
Van Gogh born in the Netherlands and died in France
Irises 1889 sold for $53.9 million
Sunflowers 1888
Starry Nights 1889
Portrait of Dr. Gachet sold for $82.5 million
Landscape at Arles: The Orchard, 1889