Page 1 Survey Statistics Enter your title notes for readers here Survey Status: Status: Closed Launch Date: 07/20/2009 Closed Date: Total Survey Takers: 4162 Median Response Time: 8 mins, 18 Seconds Web Deployment Status: Total Takers: 4162 Complete Responses: 3151 Partial Responses: 1011
Page 2 What is your gender? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 3 What is your age? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 4 What is your level of education? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 5 What is your annual household income Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 6 Where do you live? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 7 How would you describe your political views? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 8 Which of the following applies to you? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 9 Which of the following do you use for networking? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 10 Are you a subscriber, free website user or free user? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 11 Which of these do you also read, online or in print, or both? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 12 What benefits do you get from Stratfor? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 13 How frequently do you read Stratfor? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 14 How often do you forward Stratfor information to someone? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 15 How would you prefer to access Stratfor information? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 16 Which regions are you interested in? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 17 How closely do you follow Stratfor's coverage of the following countries? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 18 How often do you read or use the following products? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 19 Where do you work? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 20 If you are in the private sector please indicate your position: Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 21 If you are in government, please indicate your position: Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 22 If you are in the military please indicate your rank: Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 23 Why do you read Stratfor's information? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 24 Please pick the phrase that best describes how you use information in your work: Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 25 In your work, do you have a role in or influence business with the following? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 26 How do you use Stratfor information in your work? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…
Page 27 How often do you forward Stratfor information to a professional colleague? Enter notes to introduce and explain this slide to the reader here…