Section 4 The Basics of Windows 7
Windows 7 Versions Home Premium Professional Specialized
Logging In
Windows 7 Desktop
Mouse Actions
Mouse Pointer Shapes
Using Keyboard Function keys Numeric Pad Navigation keys Space Bar Escape
Windows7 Icons
Start Button
Start Menu
Using the Start Menu
Shutting Down
Shutdown Options 1. Log Off allows another user to operate the computer under their own account. 2. Restart is just like shutting down the computer, except that the computer never actually powers off 3. Shut down stop windows7 and Turn off the computer
Using the Taskbar Adjust Date and time Adjust Sound Notification Area
Starting Windows Help and Support Start -> Help and support
Using Minimize and Maximize and Restore
Scrolling a Window
Exploring the Computer Window
Changing the Window Layout
Menu Buttons on Folder Windows
Moving Window You can move a non-maximized window by clicking and dragging the title bar of the window wherever you like on the desktop
Switching Between Windows If you have two or more window open you can click the window and switch between them, the active window will be looks more brighter
Window Arrangements 1.Right-clicking an empty area of the taskbar 2.Select a command
Cascade windows
Side-by-Side windows
Stacked windows
Change Desktop Background Right click Personalize
Working with Folders and Files Naming and Renaming Files – Filenames provide important information about the file, including its contents and purpose Main part of the filename Dot File extension – A filename extension identifies file type and indicates program in which file was created 28 New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Working with Files and Folders Files store program instructions or data A library is a collection of files and folders Like documents, pictures, music
Folders A folder is a named area on a disk Used to store related files Used to organize the information stored on a disk Subfolders are folders with folders
Create New Folder
Renaming a folder Right Click on folder Rename
Deleting a Folder Select the folder you wish to delete and then press the Del key.
Displaying Folder Details
Copy Folder or file Copy Folder or file Right click on the folder Copy Or Ctrl + C
Paste Folder or file Paste Folder or file Right click on the folder Paste Or Ctrl + V
Cut Folder or file Cut Folder or file Right click on the folder Cut Or Ctrl + X
Viewing File Details
Sorting the File List Within the File Explorer
Selecting Multiple Files
Counting the number of files, files of a particular type in a folder You can copy, cut all the selected files/folders to another location (folder), you can also delete all the selected files
Changing File Attribute Status
Viewing Recently Accessed Files OR
The Basic windows7 Applications Start -> All Programs -> Accessories Paint Calculator WordPad
Adding Gadget 1.Start -> All Programs -> Desktop Gadget Gallery 2.Drag the gadget to desktop
Using Recycle Bin 1. Open Recycle Bin By Double Click 2. Restoring Items
3. Emptying Recycle Bin or
Viewing control Panel Start -> Control Panel
Uninstall Programs Control panel programs uninstall program
Viewing Printer Start Devices and Printers
Changing the Default Printer
Printing From an Application Once the printer is correctly connected and installed, you normally print from within your applications.
What is File Compression? File compression lets you make the size of files smaller.
Compressing Files
Extracting Compressed Files
Disk Formatting The hard disk inside your computer is formatted ready for use when you first purchase your computer. ◦ WARNING: If you format a disk then you will lose any data contained on that disk. Formatting wipes a disk clean!
Internet explorer 8
Right click on any empty space in the command area this will show right click menu
Menu bar Command bar Back & forward buttons Search bar (type word or phrases ) Chose different search provender 59
Opining a new window Opining a new tab (Ctrl+t) Closing internet explorer to view all open tabs 60
viewed all open tabs Address bar (type a URL) Favorites bar 61
Taskbar properties 1-Right click an in empty area of the taskbar 2-Click lock the task bar to uncheck this failed
combine Click never combine
Moving taskbar 1.make sure the taskbar is unlocked. 2.Click and drag an empty part of the Taskbar to the side of screen of Your choice such as left side. Resizing taskbar 1.Move your mouse to the top edge until your courser changed into a double-headed arrow. 2.Click and drag to rise and lower the height of taskbar of the taskbar to your liking 65
Auto hide taskbar 1-Right click an in empty area of the taskbar 2-Click properties the taskbar and start menu properties dialog will appear 3-Check the box marked “auto-hide the task bar” 4-Click ok 66