The End of the Cold War Review. 1950 1950-1953 Korean War 1.North vs South 2.North invades South 3.UN/US send troops to help 4.China sends troops 5.Stalemate,


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Presentation transcript:

The End of the Cold War Review

Korean War 1.North vs South 2.North invades South 3.UN/US send troops to help 4.China sends troops 5.Stalemate, armistice signed

Cuba 1.Bay of Pigs: failed US invasion 2.Cuban Missile Crisis: USSR puts missiles in Cuba 3.US Blockade 4.USSR/US Negotiate, missiles removed

Vietnam War 1.N. Vietnam reunify under Communism 2.US helps South 3.Violent fighting, no progress 4.US citizens stop supporting 5.US withdraws from war

Mikhail Gorbachev takes over Soviet Union (1985) 2.Introduce Glasnot, (openness) to West 3.Soviet Bloc breaking off 4.Gorbachev: “Union Treaty” (free, stay together) 5.Gorbachev loses power : Final independence complete; USSR dissolves