Hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC K1.8 Beam line Tohoku Univ. K.Shirotori 東北大学 大学院理学研究科 白鳥昂太郎
2006 JPS in NARA2 Outline Background of experiments Requirement on setup Setup, SKS & Hyperball-J Detectors in detail, SKS & Veto counters Summary
2006 JPS in NARA3 Previous hypernuclear gamma-ray experiments Investigation of ΛN interaction by Λ hypernuclei. (π +, K + ) KEK Good spectrometer SKS (Momentum resolution ~ 1MeV/c) Low background Low production rate (K -, π - ) BNL High production rate Spectrometer is worse than KEK Large Background from Beam K - decay Systematic studies of several hypernuclei → J-PARC High production rate +Background rejection Good spectrometer
2006 JPS in NARA4 Proposed “DAY-1” experiment E13 Several light hypernulcear gamma-ray spectroscopy experiments are planed. ( 4 Λ He, 7 Λ Li, 10 Λ B, 11 Λ B, 19 Λ F) (K -, π - γ) at p K = 1.5 GeV/c (500k/spill) (Out going π - ~ 1.4 GeV/c) Magnetic spectrometers for (K -, π - ) detection Hyperball-J for Gamma-ray measurement
2006 JPS in NARA5 HyperBall-J or HyperWall-J Wall TypeBall Type Single Ge (r.e.70%) ~ 30 PWO background suppression for higher counting rate Waveform readout LN2 cooling ↓ Mechanical cooling by Pulse tube Target Total photo peak efficiency 1MeV (Geant4 simulation)
2006 JPS in NARA6 Requirement on spectrometer for hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy To analyze 1.4GeV/c-scattered π - by existing spectrometer system. Large acceptance ~ 100[msr], θ ~ 20[degree]. →Enough hypernuclear production yield. Good momentum resolution 2 ~ 4[MeV/c]. →To distinguish excited states of hypernuclei. Modify SKS (Superconducting Kaon Spectrometer )
2006 JPS in NARA7 The K1.8 Beam line and SKS Beam spectrometer ・ BH1,2 : Time-of-flight ・ BAC : π - veto (n=1.03) SKS ・ SAC : K - beam veto (n=1.03) ・ SFV : K - beam veto ・ STOF : Time-of-flight Target : ~ 20 g/cm 2 MWPC & DC : Beam position measurement Background Veto ・ SMF : μ - from K - →μ - +ν ・ SP0 : π - from K - →π - +π 0 Hyperball-J : γray Beam spectrometer SKS
2006 JPS in NARA8 Present SKS to New SKS Momentum resolution 0.1%FWHM ( 0.72 MeV/c 720 MeV/c, 2.2T Maximum central momentum T Acceptance GeV/c θ ~ 20° 2.2T Scattered particles are not focused and present drift chambers (SDC3,4) are small for large reaction angle (half acceptance). →Large acceptance by large drift chambers Smaller bending angle(100°→60°) →Momentum resolution gets worse.
2006 JPS in NARA9 Present SKS to New SKS Momentum resolution 0.1%FWHM ( 0.72 MeV/c 720 MeV/c, 2.2T Maximum central momentum T Acceptance GeV/c Parallel scattering 2.7T θ ~ 20° Scattered particles are not focused and present drift chambers (SDC3,4) are small for large reaction angle (half acceptance). →Large acceptance by large drift chambers Smaller bending angle(100°→60°) →Momentum resolution gets worse.
2006 JPS in NARA10 Present SKS to New SKS 2.7T Scattered particles are not focused and present drift chambers (SDC3,4) are small for large reaction angle (half acceptance). →Large acceptance by large drift chambers Smaller bending angle(100°→60°) →Momentum resolution gets worse. θ ~ 20°
2006 JPS in NARA11 Present SKS to New SKS SBS K - beam directly hit SDC3,4. ↓ Scattering beam particles by heavy material (Pb, W) 20mm cell Scattered particles are not focused and present drift chambers (SDC3,4) are small for large reaction angle (half acceptance). →Large acceptance by large drift chambers Smaller bending angle(100°→60°) →Momentum resolution gets worse.
2006 JPS in NARA12 SKS : New configuration SKS ・ SAC : K - beam veto (n=1.03) ・ SFV : K - beam veto ・ STOF : Time-of-flight DC : Beam position measurement Background Veto ・ SMF : μ - from K - →μ - +ν ・ SP0 : π - from K - →π - +π 0 Beam K π
2006 JPS in NARA13 SKS Acceptance & Momentum resolution Acceptance ~ 120[msr] with large drift chambers (2[m]×1[m]) 100[msr] for present SKS Momentum resolution 2.1[MeV/c] (bending angle ~ 60° w/ multiple scattering) 0.8[MeV/c] for present SKS Simulation program is checked against previous SKS configuration SKS performance is sufficient for hypernucler gamma-ray spectroscopy
2006 JPS in NARA14 Background rejection K - →μ - ν (63.4%) ⇒ Muon Filter K - →π - π 0 (21.1%) ⇒ PiZero Veto Beam K - decay products make serious background K - →π - π - π + (5.58%) K - →e - π 0 ν (4.87%) K - →μ - π 0 ν (3.27%) K - →π - π 0 π 0 (1.73%) Contribution is relatively small ~ 150 trigger Fake trigger ~ 1700/spill True event trigger ~ 700/spill Beam K BACSAC Target 20cm μ νDecay
2006 JPS in NARA15 Muon Filter Thick Material (ex. Iron) μ-μ- π-π- Scintillation counter Scintillation counter Only μ- can be detected. Stopped by hadronic interaction Pass through
2006 JPS in NARA16 Muon Filter After Before 89% of μ can be detected in the trigger In the offline analysis ~ 100% Over kill for true π ~ 1.7%
2006 JPS in NARA17 PiZero Veto 70% of π 0 can be detected by 2 set of 2[cm] lead plate and scintillation counter layer. (75% of γ from π 0 hit the SP0) Simulation in progress Before After
2006 JPS in NARA18 Trigger rate (K -,π - ) Reaction rate ~ 700/spill K - →μ - ν ~ 1320/spill K - →π - π 0 ~ 390/spill K - Beam ~ 10/spill 3-body decay ~ 150/spill ~ 2570/spill w/o Veto counters True trigger ~ 350/spill w/ Ge trigger and fake trigger greatly decreased. (K -,π - ) Reaction rate ~ 700/spill K - →μ - ν ~ 140/spill K - →π - π 0 ~ 120/spill K - Beam ~ 10/spill 3-body decay ~ 150/spill ~ 1130/spill w/ Veto counters ~ 500/spill w/ Ge trigger (K -, π - γ) at p K = 1.5 GeV/c (500k/spill) Comparable to the present trigger rate
2006 JPS in NARA19 Summary Several hypernulcear gamma-ray experiments are planed at the J-PARC K1.8 beam line. SKS is sufficient for hypernuclear gamma- ray spectroscopy. Simulations in progress show a good veto counter efficiency. Estimation of background from heavy counter materials is necessary.
2006 JPS in NARA21 Rough Kawazanyou (compared with BNL E930) Beam 200k/spill→500k/spill : 2.5 times Acceptance 60[msr]→120[msr] : 2 times Hyperball 2.5%→6% : 2.4 times S/N : 2 times Cross section 1/3 times (0.9→1.5GeV/c) → 8 times
2006 JPS in NARA22 Proposed “DAY-1” experiment E13 Spin-flip B(M1) measurement and g Λ in a nucleus 7 Λ Li : Least ambiguities exist and most reliable ΛN interaction study from p-shell hypernuclei 10 Λ B and 11 Λ B : Inconsistency exists. Not enough experimental data Radial dependence of ΛN interaction from sd-shell hypernuclei 19 Λ F : Simplest in sd-shell Spin-flip property in hypernuclear production 4 Λ He : Easiest to observe a spin-flip state (K -, π - γ) at p K = 1.5 GeV/c (500k/spill)
2006 JPS in NARA23 Beam Momentum n
2006 JPS in NARA24 ΛN effective interaction V(r) = V 0 (r) + V (r) s N ・ s + V N (r) l N ・ s N + V (r) l N ・ s + V T (r) S 12 (Core nucleus : p-shell 、 Λ : s-shell) → Radial Integrals 、 S N 、 S 、 T are determined by previous experiments = 0.43 S N = S = T= 0.03 [MeV] Some inconsistencies appear ! Ex. 10 Λ B puzzle → Theory fails to predict energy spacing of ground state doublet To solve these problems and for systematic studies of several hypernuclei → J-PARC
2006 JPS in NARA25 SKS Minus Time-of-flight : STOF Position measurement : SDC1 ~ 4 Beam veto : SAC Beam veto : SFV Veto counter, μ - from K - →μ - +ν : SMF Veto counter, π - from K - →π - +π 0 : SP0
2006 JPS in NARA26 Time resolution Flight time ~ 16[ns] Path length ~ 4.6[m] Momentum P k =1.5 GeV/c (ΔP/P=1.4x10 -4 ) P π form (K, π) reaction (ΔP/P=6.3x10 -4 ) Present TOF → 300[ps] w/o PHC Present BH1,2 → 200[ps] w/ PHC
2006 JPS in NARA27 Beam Veto SAC efficiency ~ 99% →5k trigger 500k/spill SFV → ~ 10 trigger Reduction of acceptance 7.5% Beam size σ x =19.8[mm] σ y =3.2[mm] (u=0.02, v=0.002) SBS SBS K - beam directly hit SDC3,4. ↓ Scattering beam particles by some material (Pb, W) 20mm cell
2006 JPS in NARA28 3-body Decay K - →π - π - π + (5.58%) K - →e - π 0 ν (4.87%) K - →μ - π 0 ν (3.27%) K - →π - π 0 π 0 (1.73%)
2006 JPS in NARA29 Muon Filter 89% of μ can be detected in the trigger In the offline analysis ~ 100% Over kill for true π ~ 1.7% After Before
2006 JPS in NARA30 Muon Filter
2006 JPS in NARA31 Iron thickness
2006 JPS in NARA32 PiZero Veto 70% of π 0 can be detected by 2 set of 2[cm] lead plate and scintillation counter layer. (75% of γ from π 0 hit the SP0) Simulation in progress After Before
2006 JPS in NARA33 PiZero Veto 70% of π 0 can be detected by 2 set of 2[cm] lead plate and scintillation counter layer. (75% of γ from π 0 hit the SP0) Simulation in progress After Before Beam K
2006 JPS in NARA34 Percentage of decay in target 25cm
2006 JPS in NARA35
2006 JPS in NARA36 Λ Hypernucleus Λ h ypernucleus → Λ is bound in a nucleus The Baryon which is different from nucleons (p/n) N-N interaction → B-B interaction Deeply bound in a nucleus w/o Pauli effect The property of baryon changing in the nuclear medium strangeness S= -1 M= MeV J =1/2 + I=0 Mean life=263.2 ps Λ Nucleus Λ hypernucleus
2006 JPS in NARA37 Λ Hypernucleus The Baryon which is different from nucleons (p/n) N-N interaction → B-B interaction Deeply bound in a nucleus w/o Pauli effect The property of baryon changing in the nuclear medium Systematic studies of several hypernuclei → J-PARC Λ Hypernucleus ⇔ ΛN effective interaction
2006 JPS in NARA38 Level scheme of 7 Λ Li
2006 JPS in NARA39 Calculated cross section for 7 Λ Li
2006 JPS in NARA40 B(M1) mesurement