TAC Synchrotron Radiation Project Dr. Zafer Nergiz Nigde University Science Faculty Physics Department
Outline The general layout and goals of the design study of the TAC SR Source The Status of the Storage Ring Design The brillance spectrum The studies to increase the user potential of the machine Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility2
The main goals of the design study 3 GeV electron beam energy is choosen Low emittance for high brillance ( <1 nm rad) Short circumference Long lifetime High dynamical aperture Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 3
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 4 General Layout Stoarge Ring 3 GeV Booster Ring GeV RF Gun 2.6 MeV Injector Linac MeV
Main Cell To reach low emittance four bending magnet structure is choosed. Deflection angle of the magnets are 5 degree and 2 m length 16 quadrupolle magnet are used. 4 type quadrupol magnet exist. (2 focusing 2 defccusing) 5 family of sextupols are placed along the maincell Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 5
The storage ring The ring is constructed by the repetition of the main cell. The number of cell is 18 The length of 18 straight section is 5 m The circumference is 474 m The emittance is 0.65 nm rad Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 6
Magnet Parameters Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 7 IndicesTypeLength (m)B. Angle ( o )Quad. Str.(m -2 )Sext. Str.(m -3 ) BDS. Bend. Mag QF1Quadrupol QF2Quadrupol QD1Quadrupol QD2Quadrupol SX1Sextupoll SX2Sextupoll SX3Sextupoll SX4Sextupoll SX5Sextupoll IndicesTypeLength (m)B (T)B’ (T/m)B’’ (T/m 2 ) BDS. Bend. Mag QF1Quadrupol QF2Quadrupol QD1Quadrupol QD2Quadrupol SX1Sextupoll SX2Sextupoll SX3Sextupoll SX4Sextupoll SX5Sextupoll
Dynamical Aperture Dynamic aperture is defined as the maximum phase space amplitude whith which particles do not get lost as a consequence of single particle-dynamic effects. It is needed to use tracking codes to simulate for the several turn of beam. ELEGANT code is used to define dynamical aperture Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 8
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 9 Figure show the Dynamic aperture for different momentum offset (%-3, %-1, %0, %1, %3 and magnet error is zero, 1000 turn) Figure 6. Fine dynamic aperture and lost particle coordinats (for 400 pass and 1000 macro particle) Figure showDynamic aperture for different magnet error. (0.0, 1x10-4, 1x10-5 and momentum offset is zero 1000 turn)
Beam Lifetime Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 10
Touschek Lifetime Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 11
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 12 The lifetime is calculated for different rf voltage and for bunch charge values. The related calculations are illustrated in figure 1 and figure 2 respectively. The rf frequency is 500 MHz Touschek Lifetimes vs. RF Voltage Touschek Lifetime vs. Bunch Charge
RF Cavity Options Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility MHz capacity loaded cavities: -Developed for MAX II and MAX III -Long bunch length and long Touschek lifetime -Low high Order Mode Instability 500 MHz SRF Module CESR Design -It is currently used in so many SR sources -SRF and Chrogenic systems will be familier technology by the TARLA experience
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 14 Comparision of the several options for MAX IV (Ref: MAX IV DDR)
Storage Ring Parameters Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 15 ParameterValue Energy (GeV)3 Circumference (m)474 Beam Current (mA)500 mA Bet. Tunes Q x /Q y 32.22/5.17 Nat. Chromaticity x 0x /x 0y -89.3/ Cor. Chromaticity x 0x /x 0y 0.0/0.0 Energy loss / turn (keV)312.6 H. emittance (nm)0.65 V. emittance (nm) Betaxmax (m)21.10 Betaymax (m)27.2 Betax in the mid. of straight sect.18.0 Betay in the mid. of straight sect.9.8 Dispx in the middle of straight sect Number of straight section18 Length of straight section (m)5 Rf Voltage (MV)3.5 Harmonic number760 Max. Number of bunch760 Bunch charge (nC)1.04 RMS Bunch length (mm)2.24 Momentum Acceptence (%)4.5 Coupling (%)1 Toushek Life time (h)OPA: 10.5 El. Scat. Lifetime (h)142 Inel. Scat. Lifetime (h)619 Tot lifetime (h) In case of 100 MHZ RF frequency Rf Voltage (MV)3.5 Harmonic number158 Max. Number of bunch158 Bunch charge (nC)5 RMS Bunch length (mm)4.90 Momentum Acceptence (%)9.73 Touschek lifetime (h)15.5
Synchrotron Radiation Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 16 Synchrotron radiation properties is investigated for some Undulator types. UndulatorB max (T)B min (T) u (mm) Length (m) k max g min (mm)g max (mm) VU SU In Vacuum undulator in Solleil Super conducting undulator for ANKA
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 17
User Potensial One of the important issues is to define and improve the user potential of the Facility. For this Purpose: In 28 October 2011 and in 6-7 October 2012, Light source user meeting arranged with a high contributions. Several international studies are supported. -Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Exchange Biased Co/CoO Multilayers, PETRA III, N. Akdoğan, GYTE. -Bent Laue optics for synchrotron biomedical research applications, Canadian Light Source, C. Karanfil, Muğla Üniversitesi. -A. Thaliana Heterotrimeric G-protein Complex, EMBL, Z. Sayers, Sabancı Üniversitesi. In October 2013 third user meeting will be arranged Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 18
After the LSUM 2011 and 2012 Light source user comity and light source user group are constructed with many scientist from several university. According to meetings the research potential collected to 5 main parts -Material Science -Characterization of nanomaterials -Structural analyses of biomolecules -Medical applications -Fundamental physics study for Physics and Chemistry Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 19
Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 20 The preliminary study of he properties for the beam line and experiments
Çalıştay 2012, Dr. Z. Nergiz, Nigde Univ.21 Ref: Nom Namkung IPAC2010 Presentation TAC-SI
Conclusion Very low emittance storage ring is designed with a relatively compact structure. The nonlinear effects are investigated. It is shown that high brillance values can be achived for some possible undulators Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 22
Thanks for your attentions Meeting on the Feasibility of X - Band Linac Band FEL Facility 23 Acknowledgment Thanks to H. Wiedemann for his supports and force to make better ring parameters.