Personality Classification: Computational Intelligence in Psychology and Social Networks A. Kartelj, School of Mathematics, Belgrade V. Filipovic, School of Mathematics, Belgrade V. Milutinovic, School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade
MIPRO 2012Slide 2 of 10 Problem setting
MIPRO 2012Slide 3 of 10 The big five model
MIPRO 2012Slide 4 of 10 Existing solutions concepts Corpus: –Essay, weblog, , news group, Twitter counts... Personality measurement: –Questionnaire (internet and written). We are searching for an alternative! Model: –Stylistic analysis, linguistic features, machine learning techniques.
MIPRO 2012Slide 5 of 10 Proposed classification of existing solutions
MIPRO 2012Slide 6 of 10 Selected solution #1 Mairesse, F. et al., Using linguistic cues for the automatic recognition of personality in conversation and text
MIPRO 2012Slide 7 of 10 Selected solution #2 Wang, F., et al., Personality based latent friendship mining.
MIPRO 2012Slide 8 of 10 Selected solution #3 Roshcina, A., et al., A comparative evaluation of personality estimation algorithms for the twin recommender system.
MIPRO 2012Slide 9 of 10 Selected solution #4 Quercia, D., et al., Our twitter profiles, our selves: Predicting personality with twitter.
MIPRO 2012Slide 10 of 10 New ideas and future work New types of corpora: –Comments (news,, social feeds… New types of personality assessment: –Youtube tagging, FB app. with hidden tasks. New models: –Clustering, hybrid methods… Dynamical system.
Thank you for your attention. QUESTIONS? Personality classification: Computational Intelligence in Psychology and Social Networks