26 OCT 07 - PH Generator meeting 1 PH Generators PH Generator meeting Paolo Bartalini, NTU Filip Moortgat, ETH Zurich
26 OCT 07 - PH Generator meeting 2 CSA07 Signals Ongoing production of CSA07 signals at the Tier-2’s : already ~53M (from ~70M) events done (corresponding to 60% of the cfg’s) CMSSW_1_4_9 released yesterday to address some of the requests (see next slide)
26 OCT 07 - PH Generator meeting 3 CMSSW_1_4_9 (RELEASED YESTERDAY) Upgrade of MCatNLO (F. Stoeckli), POMWIG (A. Vilela) Tauola interface to Pythia (C. Veelken & S. Nikitenko) New ALPGEN user selection routines and grids (Maiko, Sunny, Pooja, Ilaria, Guillelmo, Maurizio) Several new GenFilters Updated MadGraph (for production use with cmsGen) Production fix for reading in SLHA files Dedicated RelVal Samples being produced and validated Concerned people have received an ] -> Quick feedback expected (Production supposed to start on Monday) Incorporated in the CMSSW_1_4_9 release: Next Steps:
26 OCT 07 - PH Generator meeting 4 TODAY