Jason and the Golden Fleece By: Melanie, Shelby, Sidney, & Kennedy
One time there was a man named Jason. He was handsome, strong, and he had golden hair, but he had only one sandal.
Jason was promised the kingdom when he was old enough to rule. Yet King Pelias was not ready to give up the throne.
King Pelias rode into the market on his horse one day. Although King Pelias was kind towards Jason, he was secretly planning Jason’s death.
King Pelias then sent Jason on a quest. To become a king, Jason had to find the golden fleece.
Jason went off to build his ship, the Argo. On the Argo there were 50 paddlers to help Jason set off to sea on his quest.
Jason stopped to rest on an island. They found a man named Phineus. He warned the Argonauts about the crashing islands ahead and gave Jason a dove.
Jason released the dove, and the islands separated. The Argo quickly and swiftly passed.
The Argo reached the island of Colchis, and then King Aeetes found out Jason wanted the golden fleece.
The king sent him on an important task to slay his fire-breathing bulls and plant his field with dragon teeth. When Jason did this, warriors sprang up from the earth. Jason had to slay each one that came at him.
Jason prayed to the gods and goddesses. Hera heard his prayers and told Eros to shoot arrows in the heart of Medea in order to make her fall in love with Jason.
Medea then gave Jason a magic charm and oil that would protect him from the fire of the bull.
He charmed the fire –breathing bulls and then hitched them to a plow. Then Jason planted the bull’s teeth. When the army came up out of the ground, Jason threw the charm and the warriors fought to the death with each other.
But all did not end happily. Jason was then told to slay the dragon and get the golden fleece. He did this with a sleeping potion that Medea gave him. He married Medea. Medea then tricked her sisters into killing their father. Jason then married the Princess of Corinth. Medea was so angry she gave the princess a robe and the princess was set to flames. Then later on Jason died when a piece of timber fell on him of his ship and he died.