Pecha Kuchas If you use text, stick to a one line overview per page. Keep it very short. This might be too long.
Use pictures, graphics, and charts too.
Stick to one simple idea per page
Sometimes one key word in a large font will be effective
Leave space in the slide so we can focus on what you are saying.
An image or grapic with no text can be very effective
If you use movies or audio, let them take up the slide. Don't try to talk over them.
Make sure any movies or audios stay within the 20 seconds for the slide
Media and images should be local...embedded in the presentation.
Avoid web links
They might eat all your time loading
Causing Panic!!!
Practicing your timing once or twice before going live helps
A Pecha Kucha takes a little less than seven minutes to present
So keep it simple!
Remain calm.
It will soon be over.
They can actually be fun.
Teach us something we did not know!
Your turn.