Fast-food advertising in social media. NIKKI TSIFTIS Case study on Facebook in Egypt H.R. Gaber & L.T. Wright
Overview Why is this research important? Consumers’ attitudes towards advertising Consumers’ attitudes towards social media advertising Methodology Main findings
Why is this research important? Rise of Social Media Advertising budgets for social media are increasing Facebook is the most widely used social network world wide The effect of social media marketing on the consumers’ purchase decisions need to be more explored and investigated
Consumers’ attitude towards advertising Affects brand attitudes and purchase decisions Determining the effectivenss of the ads (Un)favorable attitudes towards advertising? Varies across different advertising channels and countries
Consumers’ attitude towards social media advertising Increased spending on social media marketing Added the 5th P to 4P’s: Participation Communication process more customers centric (Un)favorable attitude towards social media advertising? need for exploratory research
Model of attitudes towards Web advertising Brackett and Carr
Cvijikj & Michahelles (2013) Characteristics of content of posts on Facebook Informative, entertaining and contain remuneration Limited to Food/beverages category
Methodology Exploratory research Qualitative data collection methods 4 Focus groups / 40 participants 2 Egyptian cities Participants between years old Purposive sampling Content analysis
Main findings Consumers are accepting the idea of fast food advertising in Facebook Factors that lead to consumers’ engagement: Brand familiarity, incentives, relevance of the advertisement, referrals from friends, advertising value Content analysis
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