Self employment as solution for unemployed 50+ Base-line Study Active Aging
BASE-LINE STUDY Labour market situation in the Czech Republic and region České Budějovice / situation of older people National context of Active Labour Market Policy Active Labour Market Policy in the Region České Budějovice Presentation of Current Actions/Services Discussion of Current Actions/Services Priority Needs and Gaps in Current Actions/Services
Active Aging LM in Czech Rep. & České Budějovice (1) Low Un.rate in České Budějovice (3-4%) compared to the rest of Czech Rep. (6-10 %) Since 2008, the Unemp.r. of have grown most (from 8 to 12%) Since 2005, the have biggest share on long-term unemoployment (>30%)
Active Aging National context of Active Labour Market Policy National ALMP (in international context) of smaller scale (ESF opportunity) Two main types of programs: 1) skill development, 2) job creation - including Entrepreneurship Support Program (ESP) Most programs are poorly targeted at older unemployed (except public works and handicapped people workshops) ESP program is small range (thousands U a year = 0,5-1 % of all U), comparatively successfull: only percent return to PES in following year
Active Aging Local context of Active Labour Market Policy Similar to other regions, but some specifics: Small differences in scale and targeting of programs Usually lower unemployment (now financial crisis), expecting unemployed getting older in the future Specific Regional (relatively large scale) ALMP programs („Návrat“, „Krok z evidence“, „Cesta do práce“ and others) as a reaction to regional situation – targeting to groups with problems Older people are included (but not in ESP).
Active Aging Presentation of Current Actions/Services Small Scale ALMP Program Cooperation of subjects (PES, „Hospodářská komora“, other 3-4 education providers) Unemployed can ask for program after 5 months Self-Motivation of Unemployed is very important (also because of blocked possibilities) Mainly middle aged unemployed participate Training period (three weeks to one month) Entrepreneurship plan (realistic, sustainable) Financial support < Kč (1850 Euro) Entrepreneurship control after 2 years
Active Aging Presentation of Current Actions/Services
Active Aging Discussion of Current Actions/Services Used for small services (hairdresser) and crafts Successful intervention (?) (quantitative data for return to PES and entrepreneurship control at N and L level = same or better then other ALMP) but small scale ( => success ? ), self-select (dead- weight, creaming?) not much used by older people no support in period after financial support (not any necessary??) financial support might not be sufficient (not enough for place to start the firm, used for equip.)
Active Aging Priority Needs and Gaps in Current Actions/Services Use experience of current policy (?) Target at group 50+ (?) Better program information providing (?) More support in decision process, helping with obstacles, understanding motivation (?) Unemployed are not limited by length of U (??) More financial support (?) More individual support (individual counseling) (?) Larger Scale (more participants) (x)
Active Aging
Conclusion Unemployed 50+ not usually target group Advantage of building on previously successful program New experience: motivation (?), good for people 50+ (?), successful (?) New experience: Social experimentation – evaluation, micro setting (individual cases) Addressing program conditions in advance (SWOT) =) discussion with Thomas