Leadership Refined Commitment Lesson 14
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. Washington
Commitment Is... following through regardless knowing what really matters keeping on keeping on
The American Heritage Dictionary defines commitment as being bound emotionally or intellectually to someone or something. In nature, we see examples of commitment all the time. These trees, growing out of the rocky face of Michigan’s Lake Superior shoreline show an incredible amount of commitment. It is not easy to cling tenaciously to a rock face. Surviving in gusty winds, pelting rain, and freezing temperatures year after year is not easy. If they had their choice, you can bet they wouldn’t have chosen to survive in a rocky crevice. Yet, their willingness to follow through regardless is evident in their very existence. What about you? Do you feel like your life is clinging tenaciously to a rock face? Or is it rooted firmly in rich, fertile soil, in a well protected locale? What do you have to be committed to? Commitment in Nature
Briefing: In this activity you will have the opportunity to work together as a team to keep a dowel level while lowering it to the ground. Procedure: Divide up into teams of six. Each team has a 6’ dowel or other rod. Team members place one of their hands under the rod using one thumb and two fingers to support the rod. Spread out thumb from first two fingers in an “L” shape – use this “L” shaped hand to support the dowel. Start the rod about waist high and lower it to the ground. Rules: 1.The washers may not fall off – or you start over. 2.The dowel needs to stay level. 3.Support must be from underneath the rod. 4.All members must maintain contact with the rod at all times. Easier Said Than Done…
Well... 1.What happened in your group? 2.Why did it seem like the rod kept going up? 3.Did anyone in your group become angry or frustrated? Why? 4.What could you have done to keep the frustration level low? 5.Is frustration a bad thing or a good thing? 6.Have you ever felt this frustrated in other situations? 7.Did you feel like you wanted to quit? Did you? Or why didn’t you? 8.What made you keep trying even after repeated failures? 9.Did you notice anyone on your team showing commitment? 10. What sort of commitment did it take to keep on trying after repeated failures? 11. How could you take your understanding of commitment home?
Journal 16 Think about yourself and commitment. Are you committed to something? What? If not, why not? What in your life really matters? If you know what really matters, you know what to be committed to. Describe a time when you have had to keep on keeping on, or had to follow through in spite of hardships or obstacles. Who do you know that has modeled commitment to you? What do they do that shows their commitment? Who do you know that has a lack of commitment? How is that lack of commitment evident in their life? What will it take for you to be more committed?
When we see ourselves in a situation which must be endured and gone through, it is best to make up our minds to it, meet it with firmness, and accommodate everything to it in every practicable way. Thomas Jefferson