Layers of the Earth Day 3
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Step 1: Gather your materials Play-Doh (red, orange, yellow, black, blue, green) toothpick knife Tape paper plate
Step 2: Create the inner core of your Play-Doh Earth model Make a round ball of dough using your red Play-Doh about the size of a quarter.
Step 3: Create the outer core of your Play-Doh Earth model Cover the red ball with orange dough.
Step 4: Create the mantle of your Play-Doh Earth model Cover the orange ball with yellow dough. This layer will be thinner than the orange and red layers.
Step 5: Create the crust of your Play-Doh Earth model Cover the ball with a very thin layer of black dough.
Step 6: Add water and land to your Play-Doh Earth model Cover the ball with blue dough. On top of the blue add green dough to make land. You can make the shapes look like actual continents (not a requirement).
Step 7: Cut your Play-Doh Earth model in half Cut the Earth in half so you can see all of the layers. With your knife, make small back and forth motions instead of cutting straight down, which just smudges the dough. Watch me first!
Step 8: Label your Play-Doh Earth model in half Label the model. Write the name of each layer (inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust) on a piece of a note card and tape them to toothpicks. Then insert them into the Play-Doh in the correct place. You only need to label ONE HALF of the model.