THE TOP 5 BEST BOOKS BY: Stephanie Wilks There are always changing.
INTRODUCTION: Books; fiction and non-fiction, novels and short stories, comedy and mystery, we enjoy them all. Some of the best book authors are, Margaret Peterson Haddix, Gail Carson Levin, R. J Palacio, Katherine Paterson, and Victoria Forester.
AMONG THE HIDDEN BY: MARGARET PETERSON HADDIX Among the hidden his a about a boy named Luke and how he is a shadow child. The town they live in has pollution problems so every family can only have two children. He finds out about another shadow child and he becomes friends with a girl named Jen. They come up with a plan to get all the shadow children free to live the way they want. In the end Jens ends up dead along with all the other kids who showed up at the rally and with Luke leaving home in a car with a new identity as Lee Grant. Leading to the second book. Number 5 This is my 5 th choice because it was sort of misleading to me
ELLA IN ENCHANTED BY: GAIL CARSON LEVINE Ella in enchanted is about a girl who has a childhood curse and has to obey any order given to her. Her mother Lady Eleanor and the family's cook Mandy protected her but her mom soon dies and at the funeral the prince is there and the become friends. Ella’s dad peter sends her of to a school with Hatties and Olive, there daughters of Dame Olga. But Hattie finds out that she has to obey order and makes her not be friends with the one she makes. Ella and the prince fall in love writing letters, there a ball when he comes back and Ella goes wearing a mask Hattie sees and rips it off. When she tries to run Char tricks her into marring him but because she cares so much for him she was able to decline it for the safety of the castle and him but when the cures is over she takes his hand in marriage. Number 4 This is my 4 th choice because of the movie people say that they are alike so that kind of changed my mind
BRIDE TO TERABITHIA BY: KATHERINE PATERSON Bride to terabithia is about a kid Jesse and he wants to be the class’s fastest runner, but then a girl named Leslie comes on the boys team and beats all of them and from that point on he disliked her, but when he finds out that she lives where he lives they learn to become friends. They are two lonely kids who image a place called terabithia. But when Jesse goes on a trip to a museum with his teacher to come home and find out that his friend Leslie had died when the rope broke and she fell into the water. Her family left to go back to where they lived before because they didn’t want to be where there daughter had died before the leave they throw her a funeral and Jesse does a make sift little boat for her. Jesse decides to make is little sister may belle to be queen. Number 3 This my number 3 choice because I hated that the girl Leslie dies because the rope broke.
WONDER BY: R. J PALACIO The book Wonder started because when she was out at a ice cream shop with her kids there was a girl with a deformed face and her 3 year old son started to cry so she left. She was trying to protect the little girl but also from her discomfort with the encounter. Wonder is about a 10 year old boy who has a deformed face and is going to a public school. He is self-conscious about going because people are always making fun of him because of the why he looks, but when he goes to the school he finds all these great people and he knows. You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. Number 2 This my 2 nd choice because it was a touching story on how he makes friends thought out the story.
THE GIRL WHO COULD FLY BY: VICTORIA FORESTER Number 1 The girl who could fly is about a girl named piper who get sent to an academy because she could fly. When she goes there she finds out that it’s just a place that kids with “special ability's” go to forget how to do what ever they came there doing. She tries to free the other kids but ends up getting crippled and with no memory on how to fly, but when Jasper remembers that his ability was healing heals Piper. When the Dr. Hellion finds out it leads to her and piper fighting in the air because she too can fly, she ends up killing herself because she has a flash back of when she was a kid and her little sister died because of her flying so she just falls Into a cliff. In the end they all go back to there own homes and go on living. The girl who could fly is my number one choice because I love how Dr. Hellion can fly and she was trying to stop kids from making the same mistakes when she was young because her sitter died because her flying.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this books are the best of the best.